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The first TMA

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Don kanonji

Yes, bwaha indeed.

I am nearly halfway through the TMA and despite the other people in the W100 FB Group who have finished the whole thing and read all of Unit 1, I am relatively happy with where I am.

The problem I am now facing is that I have to read all of unit 1 (if you're not a W100 student, its about 60 pages) to answer the next question, which means bridging the gap to my biggest failing as a student. Note taking. That incorporeal ability to transfer information from a book to a notepad to ones brain is not something I have ever been good at. Brutally assaulting my brain with huge amounts of reading just before an exam has been my technique in the past, now older, I think I need a more measured approach that you know, works or something.

See the problem is deeper than that, I read the question and what it wants to me know, then I find the parts of the book that relate to those and read them. Which to me, is obviously enough to answer the question, but this 'wider knowledge' and 'understanding' of the Unit is quite beyond my grasp. There are questions in it that I have to answer then I have to do the TMA which has questions and its all very questiony. In addition to that, I apparently have to read Unit 2 before I finish the TMA too. So here are the problems:

1) Although I believe I can answer the questions to a decent standard, without reading the whole text that they are relevant too I might go totally wrong.

2) Even if I do read them, getting the information permanently into my brain is unlikely, even getting it their for long enough to answer the question without having the book open is  a stretch.

3) I really like to do things that aren't studying when I am meant to be studying, its like a sort of not-studying-drug that makes other things seem more exciting.

4) Having done a little bit I am already walking up to people going BWAHAHAHAHAHA, just because I have written 600 words of answers. 

My solution; answer the question badly now, then read the book, in the hope that as I go I can realise my mistakes and update my answer. Sorry, polish my answer. As the reader says.

Some advice though, the bwahahaha method does definitely give you a sense of achievement and is suggested by the OU; you are supposed to let people you know that you're studying and I can think of no better way.

Yeah, Law stuff,


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