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Johan Stinckens

Approaching the EMA

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Edited by Johan Stinckens, Tuesday, 10 May 2011, 05:51

I haven't been writing anything on this blog for some three months now. Not that I didn't have anything to write about though. As there were once again a lot of issues regarding my study scheme, I could and should have written these down here. That said, the posts that I had done before, have been very useful in constructing my reflective assignment (TMA-07) on which I received quite a good score.

The renovation of my appartment has reached a major milestone in that both the kitchen and living room have been finished for some four weeks now. Since then I have moved my desk to this much more airy and spacious area and studying there is way better then where I was studying before.

As for the aforementioned 'ritual of preparation' I have to confess that I haven't been able to follow through with it as well as I should. But, as I have experienced before, something should go a bit wrong before I eventually am able to make better use of it. So for these last few weeks of the course I am going to try the very best to maintain the ritual that i've set for myself. As a matter of fact, I am planning to live by this ritual even when the course is over. I think it best to keep it going so that it feels naturally when I start the next course in October. This four month period can be very useful in finishing yet uncompleted chapters of the AA100 course and furthermore for some English language study. Recently I met some English relatives which I hadn't seen for a while. I've talked about the OU-course that I am currently undertaking and asked about the possibilities of communicating via Live chat-sessions to enhance my knowledge of the language and improve my speech. I really look forward in doing some of these in the near future.

But for now it's up to me to decide which Option on the EMA I will choose. Choices! I could do without them for a moment! big grin

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