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A Fair Society

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This is just part of an article in the telegraph today about the unfairness of American socirty:

'The retail data can be quirky but it fits in with everything else we know. The numbers of people on food stamps have reached 43.2m, an all time-high of 14pc of the population. Recipients receive debit cards – not stamps -- currently worth about $140 a month under President Obama’s stimulus package.

The US Conference of Mayors said visits to soup kitchens are up 24pc this year. There are 643,000 people needing shelter each night.

Jobs data released on Friday was again shocking. The only the reason that headline unemployment fell from 9.7pc to 9.4pc was that so many people dropped out of the system altogether'.

What happens in America is often repeated here. We are going to be in the first Great Depression of the 21st Century, the only trouble is that we have actually been in depression since 1987.



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