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Clare Wood

Feeling rough Again!

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The virus I thought I'd got rid of has come back with a vengence and I still need to check through my EMA! I'm feeling really quite rough today - head, neck and ear ache and I'm feeling sooo tired (more than the usual tiredness I get with my illness) Could possibly sleep for most of today! Which I might yet do! sleepy

Struggling to get on with anything - i did tidy my room yesterday which knackered me which it doesn't normally do! So either this is either that virus come back with a vengence or (lets hope it isn't) a relapse of the M.E. sad


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Clare Wood

Another Virus :(

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Edited by Clare Wood, Monday, 26 Mar 2012, 11:59

So I haven't managed to go to my tutorial today, woke up with earache and a headache, keep feeling off balance and don't want to get something on top of this new virus!

Feeling bitterly disappointed about not going as I was really looking forward to it (I do everytime!) But still as this prayer/poem says I need to accept what I cannot do:

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know where to hide the bodies of anyone whoever said, "You're perfectly healthy; It's all in your head"

I love that poem! smile

So I've decided to stay at home, I'm managing quite well with the EMA of this module anyway so it shouldn't have too much of an impact on my results.

I'm currently sitting outside in the sunshine, (well half lying on a bench if I'm honest) writing this. The weather is glorious for this time of year, shame we need the rain really!

Looking out over the garden I think I really need to start planting my veggie seeds - I plan to grow a limited amount this year, just peas, strawberries, lettuces, tomatos and cucumbers, not just because I seem to have relapsed but also because we need to move the composters / rearrange the vegetable patch so it's easier to get the compost out of the composters! Luckily I'll only be growing the veggies, not doing the hard work of digging the veggie patch over and moving composters! smile

However we may be looking at a late crop of vegetables this year as the seeds may not be planted till April at this rate!

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