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Web Design Impact on Your Online Positioning

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How many times have you navigated through a website and said, "Their website sucks" because a link was broken, your payment wouldn't go through or you couldn't find what you were looking for?

The great design considers the User Experience (UX) and making sure your users find what they need easily. Most websites these days target at least 2-3 different audiences of users with completely different or slightly different needs. 

Marketing and Web Development Agency

How do you lay things out to satisfy the needs of multiple target audiences? 🤔 

Web design considerations should include strategic layouts, defining a clear text hierarchy, making sure your website fonts and elements modally organize themselves in mobile (cell phone and tablet) views so the user doesn't have to pinch, zoom or move around your content. 

What's your natural reaction when you come across a site that doesn't work or isn't laid out well?

Every move counts. If you're looking to make a big impact in your industry with a global marketing agency, it's going to take more than just a website or some ads. Positioning relates to how you are viewed against your competitors. 

Your niche. Your target audience. Your style of communication. Your brand. 

Not working with a company that will take the time to understand your business model, goals, short and long-term vision will hurt in the long run. We've seen many companies have work re-done, not achieve results and waste a lot of money. Are you clear about how your position in the market place and is everyone in your company clear as well?

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