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You are of course absolutely correct in your analysis of what is happening in Pakistan. What do you think has happened to the extra money we, I mean British and American, taxpayers have given to Pakistan. It has gone to refugee releif and to the pay of the army. It is like employing mercenaries, no different whatsoever, must not get our hands dirty must we.

As for John Bercow, I have no problem whatsoever in pointing out that he is the first ever member of the Jewish faith to be speaker, this I think indicates exactly how inclusive we are in this country. The same with the members of other faiths to have their place in both the commons and lords.

However, there is a problem and I think that Wimbledon exemplifies it perfectly. The cover over centre court is meant to keep out the rain, it would apparently also have another purpose in that it can, and was, be used as a giant sun shade. It was much too hot on the court yesterday and the 'nobs' sorry, those in the royal box, got much too hot, so the contraption was partially closed to save them from too much sun. Please don't tell me that the All England club have built the most expensive sun shade on the planet, only hope that they did not borrow money from RBS to pay for it.

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