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Comparing DS106 & Coursera

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Edited by Bryan Kearney, Friday, 12 Apr 2013, 12:15


This blog post is a response to h817 Activity 14: Comparing Moocs

One of the most interesting aspects of this course for me has been the introduction of these open course websites such as Coursera, Edx and now DS106. The site layout for DS106 is so visually different and unique to anything I have seen in this area so far and the subject matter really tickles my interest. I have looked through many potential courses and even signed up for the gamification course in Coursera last week (more out of curiosity than anything else), but I have to say that I have been taken in by the Digital Storytelling module. Comparing it with Cousera is like night and day, even the websites respective background colours reflect this!

I will be comparing the two MOOCs based on the Gamification Course at Coursera and the DS106 course.


General Approach & Philosophy:

DS 106

The website claims that DS106 will "Develop skills in using technology as a tool for networking, sharing, narrating, and creative self-expression". Learners will be able to create and frame your digital identity.

As an open participant you choose to do what you do where you can, by sharing your work, and most importantly commenting on the work of others.

The people at DS106 see themselves as a community. The phrase "#4life" is banded around the website and indeed the student testimony backs it up. They see the elements that make up the course as a way of life and as something that is ongoing all the time.


According to their website, Coursera partners with the top universities in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free. They envision a future where the top universities are educating not only thousands of students, but millions.

They aim to empower the disenfranchised, wherever they may be. They offer many courses in a great variety of fields where students can "learn at your own pace, test your knowledge, and reinforce concepts through interactive exercises"

Coursera uses an “Honor Code” when it comes to writing assignments. They hope that by ticking yes to following this code, their students will behave appropriately and leave their work untainted by plagiarism. Easier ticked than done.

Students who successfully complete the course assignments above a threshold score of 70% will receive a Statement of Accomplishment signed by the instructor. Students who enroll in the “Signature Track” (pay money) can earn themselves a verified certificate for completion of the course.




Ds106 has multiple levels of participation, the learner can pick and choose the “when and where”. Students can build their own path as they pick their own assignments.

Harking back to earlier, when I mentioned “#4life”, the folks at DS106 do not believe in the concept of dropping out and accept no apologies when life intrudes on your work. They see this course as an expression of ones self. They expect their students to grow through this course forever (sounds kind of creepy when I put it like that).


The courses are divided into short, impressively presented video lecture segments.There are also quizzes(multiple choice), written assignments, and a final exam with specific due dates.

Coursera promotes learning through:

Mastery learning: students have multiple attempts at quizzes to demonstrate their knowledge

Using interactivity: student engagement to assist long-term retention

Providing frequent feedback: so that learners can monitor their own progress

The stand out feature for Coursera is that written assignments are peer assessed, giving students the opportunity to see the ideas that their peers come up with. Having multiple students grade each homework, they are able to obtain a solid grading accuracy.




Students will have to use Gravatar, Twitter, flickr, google, Soundcloud, blogs during the course. However they will also need a variety of tools such as video cameras, editors, picture editors etc. No particular tools are specified but given the plethora of tools available in current phones it shouldn’t be a problem for most students to find what they need.


Coursera makes great use of short, video lectures which can be streamed, downloaded and sped up or down. Slides are used as well, with video changing size in this case.



I have been impressed by both MOOCs. They both come from a different standpoint on how to influence their learners but having said that, they both reflect the content that they are providing. If you were to swap websites and pedagogies over and hosted the Digital Storytelling course on the Coursera website and vice versa I would expect that they would both be much less effective. Coursera collaborates with big Universities and this is reflected in the structure of their website. DS106 is more of a challenge to navigate, you really have to immerse yourself in it to get the best out of it. One feature that that both have in common and indeed any successful MOOC needs at its core is the student forums with plenty of topics and posts. Regardless of the subject matter and how the course is structured, without flourishing forums (including self created networks) a MOOC will struggle to survive.

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3 Key Issues of OER

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Edited by Bryan Kearney, Thursday, 28 Mar 2013, 10:58

This is a response to h817, Block 2, Activity 7: Exploring OER issues.

I have been considering what the three main issues in OER are for the last week or so. Before I attempted activity 3 last week I had a look at some of the posts by my fellow students. A wide range of issues were highlighted but the same few kept cropping up again and again. Having read through four articles from the suggested reading for this task it seems that the authors consensus is pretty much the same as the MOOC students. Issues with copyright and licensing kept cropping up, as did technological and organizational concerns, as well as funding and quality  issues.  As such, my list of key issues reads as follows:

  • Funding
  • Content
  • Copyright



Although creating an OER course involves no additional funding after the initial production cost, these costs can be quite substantial (software, hardware, hosting, human resource), especially if you consider the amount of courses that will be produced. As Wiley points out “How do we keep funding activities whose main purpose is to be free of charge once foundation funding goes away?”(Wiley, 2005). Downes highlighted several funding models to combat this:

  • Endowment Model
  • Membership Model
  • Donations Model
  • Conversion Model
  • Contirbutor-Pay Model
  • Sponsorhip Model
  • Institutional Model
  • Governmental Model
  • Pertnerships & Exchanges Model (Downes, 2007)

Mozilla Grants has awarded over 2m in grants to open source development since 2006. Some smaller scale crowd source funding include sites such as Pledgie and Kickstarter.


The quality of content produced for open learning is always going to be a key issue. Institutions will need to develop their own course design standards. Is the course easily accessible? Is it adaptable to local language, context and curriculum (Wilson & McAndrew, 2009)? Has it been properly reviewed before publication? These courses have a lifespan, will they be updated when necessary? The Open Source Initiative is anon-profit corporation that sees themselves as a standards body for quality in open source content. Mohammed-Nabil Sabry of the French University of Egypt suggested a shift from the ‘provider/user’ paradigm to a more community based, collaborative structure as he discussed adapting OERs at the 2005 UNESCO conference (Downes, 2007). This could facilitate a shift from ‘knowledge for all’ to ‘knowledge by all’ which seems to be the road that OER will ultimately lead to.


Each institution needs to develop its own policies and standards (Caswell, Henson, Jensen & Wiley, 2008). These standards include intellectual property policies and faculty release agreements . Copyright issues are always going to be important in the development of online content. “While ‘open’ on the one hand may mean ‘without cost’, it does not on the other hand mean ‘without conditions’”(Downes, 2007). Most OER content is licensed by Creative Commons, but will the user understand or comply with the license requirements (Caswell, Henson, Jensen & Wiley, 2008)? The idea of intellectual property is also prevalent. Does the published material remain the property of the person who produced it?

Examples of open source licenses include Apache License, MIT License, and Mozilla Public License.



Caswell, T. et al., (2008) Open educational resources: Enabling universal education. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 9(1), 1–4.

Wilson, T. and McAndrew, P. (2009) Evaluating how five higher education instituions worldwide plan to use and adapt open educational resources' Proceedings of INTED2009 Conference. 9-11 March 2009, Valencia, Spain. ISBN:978-84-612-7578-6

Attwell, G. & Pumilia, P.M. (2007) The New Pedagogy of Open Content: Bringing Together Production, Knowledge, Development, and Learning. Data Science Journal, 6, 211- 219.

Downes, S. (2007). Models for sustainable open educational resources. Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects, 3. Retrieved November 26, 2007 from:http://www.ijklo.org/Volume3/IJKLOv3p029-044Downes.pdf

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Open Education - Taking on the MOOC

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I am going to start my interaction in the world of the MOOC by being formal and introducing myself. My name is Bryan Kearney and I have been studying the H817 course on Openness & Innovation in elearning. I'll take this opportunity to say hello to everyone else involved in the MOOC as well as the people on H817 that I haven't yet interacted with as well as those I have. I work in general multimedia at the moment and have a background in video production. I have created some elearning courses in the past and am looking to broaden my knowledge in the area. I must admit that I am quite curious about how the MOOC is going to work. That is one of the great things about this course; a lot of the areas that we are learning about we are actively engaging with while we learn. From what I can see by the posts by my peers in my tutor forum, there are a few things to get the hang of in terms of navigation and so on but I'm sure these things will iron themselves out as we proceed.

I have created a diagram below where I try to get into the world of the open scholar:

The Open Scholars World


I have tried to give an overview of the main elements involved in what it means to be an open scholar. The outer circumference conveys the mindset that is necessary to be an open scholar. Openness and creativity are intrinsically connected through the elements in between such as transparency and connectivism. Inside the circle are some of the activities which an open learner needs to be engaged in such as open courses and open data. I have also included the 'Taxonomy of the Many' which displays the connections through which open learning exists. I have placed 'Digital Media' inside a lovely red heart to convey how important web 2.0 and ever advancing web technologies are to this process.

I hope this diagram makes sense and look forward to tackling this MOOC with the rest of you. Now to see if I can make this #h817 work!

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Nuala Davis, Thursday, 21 Mar 2013, 22:06)
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