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John Baglow

Can online feedback be effective?

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Please have a glance at some of these points about how I am planning to explore the effectiveness of online feedback to (and from) students

Can feedback to students in online courses be effective?  or something along those lines. 


Plan for preparation and research 200 words

  • should I use examples of feedback from my own practice?
  • interview a colleague who has used video feedback?
  • consult sources from previous modules (if I can find them!)
  • consult peers on H818 about detailed aspects of the proposal


Topic and scope 200 words

  • What is a learning dialogue with students?
  • what are the characteristics of an effective feedback process?
  • how can they be achieved online?
  • what technology is readily available and what are its pros and cons?
  • are there some students who will not benefit from audio/video feedback?
  • I am looking at practice in F.E.


4 main sources of information 200 words


Rationale for format 100 words

  • Not sure about format yet. I need to decide on the audience. 
  • Some people have mentioned ebooks so I shall explore how that might work. 


New skills required 100 words

  • making podcasts and videocasts needs to become routine
  • ability to convey feedback orally in a supportive way
  • striking balance between style and substance


Existing skills to be used  100 words

  • I have been devising and delivering online programmes for 2 years
  • Some experience of podcasts and video casts
  • ongoing feedback practice


Areas of uncertainty or risk  100 words

  • How will I know if the forms of online feedback I look at are successful or not?
  •  I need to ensure that I don’t just draw conclusions based on my own experience.

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