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Jim McCrory

Good Evening Bangladesh! What Will Our Journey Be?

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Saturday, 4 Jan 2025, 10:27

"It is not down on any map; true places never are." 

Herman Melville


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Pothik (পথিক, Bengali) A traveller or wayfarer. 

 It evokes a poetic sense of wandering, 

both literal and metaphorical, 

as part of life’s journey.

Yesterday, as the sun dipped low over the west coast of Scotland, its farewell beams invited me on a drive. The beach was tranquil, save for the soothing strains of reggae music drifting from a young couple’s radio as they left the sands.

I greeted them, as is my custom, stepping momentarily into the shoes of those who have often been "othered" in a land not theirs. The husband’s eyes sparkled with the day’s happiness as he shared their small celebration, “We have just had a Barbeque.” It was zero degrees, but that never seemed to matter to them

 “Bangladesh,” they told me when I inquired about their origins. I wished them well on their journey through life, a silent prayer blessing their path as I continued my own walk along the shore.

This encounter lingered in my mind, a vivid illustration of what it means to be a Pothik—a wayfarer not just on the physical roads but on the greater journey of life itself. Our paths cross with others for brief moments, yet these intersections are rich with potential for mutual understanding and connection.

This morning, as I read through Romans 14, the scripture seemed to echo my thoughts from the previous day: “Why, then, do you judge your brother? Or why do you belittle your brother? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat... every knee will bow... every tongue will confess... So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.” (NIV).

The words resonated deeply, weaving together the day’s physical journey with the spiritual path we all tread. One day, we will each face our Creator, and the tapestry of our lives—each thread a choice made, each color a deed done—will be unfurled before Him. It is a sobering thought, yet it carries a promise too, urging us to live with compassion and understanding, mindful of the ultimate journey that each Pothik undertakes—towards truth, towards reconciliation, towards home.


  • NIV – New International Version






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