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Jim McCrory

Will We Accept Anything We Read Online?

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Thursday, 18 July 2024, 15:15

Image by https://unsplash.com/@_louisreed

Some time ago, I responded to someone on Quora regarding the role that Christians play in society. His post implied that Christians sit around singing and clapping hands to music. I replied to his statement, but I got no answer.

I would have hoped the person posting had done some research. A simple Google search takes you to Wiki where we find multiple scientists from the 18th Century to the present period who were at the forefront of science,


These scientists could and still do science because they observed stable laws that govern the universe.

Better Angels of Their Nature

There are some interesting passages in Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov that illustrate patterns of Christian thinking that are in full view today. If you have read the book, it explores areas of mercy, morality, faith, and the human condition.

A case in point is Father Zosima , an elderly monk who is full of compassion and self-sacrificing love who offers kind words and solace for those who are laid low.

Then there is the youth, Ilyusha and his papa, Captain Snegiryov. Alyosha Karamazov, who is moved by Father Zosima example, demonstrates considerable human compassion to Ilyasah’s family despite suffering poverty himself.

Overall, the book is rich in examples of love, compassion, and forgiveness in imitation of the Christian paradigm.

But that’s just fiction, right? What about today? Well, our city streets are filled with Christian groups delivering essentials to street people. There are Christian food banks. I see Mercy Ships full of Christian medical, dental optical and pharmaceutical personnel treating children and adults in the developing world who have life threatening disorders, cataracts, disfigurements, and multiple other issues. They bring comfort to societies that many never give a second thought to.

Now, I know many others who are none-Christian do the same, but the question that was raised in Quora was directed at Christians.

Mercy Shipshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtqkXdYcc1c&t=2s

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