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Jim McCrory

The Most Interesting Book Ever Written

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Thursday, 28 Nov 2024, 09:54

Roots deep, branches high,

Yet my years outstretch the tree—

Time bends, I remain.

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In the heart of The Golden Square Freedom Park, Barbados, stands a remarkable wall, its every brick engraved with a name. Each name represents a life—some celebrated widely, others known only to a few—yet each one made a mark, played a role, and left a legacy worth remembering. As I stood before that wall, I couldn’t help but think of a far greater record: God’s Book of Life. Imagine a divine ledger holding the names of all whom God has found worthy of everlasting life. It’s a humbling and awe-inspiring thought, isn’t it?

This week, I found myself pondering the possibility of life beyond our universe. I don’t mean alien civilizations but the reality of God, Jesus, and the heavenly hosts—beings existing in a realm far more glorious than our own. Consider for a moment: what would they think of us? What would they see in the way we live, the way we treat one another, and the choices we make?

Suppose such celestial beings spoke to us, asking us to consider our lives. Imagine them gently but firmly pointing out the things that tarnish the beauty of human existence: stealing, dishonesty, greed, selfishness, infidelity, neglect of children, substance abuse, gossip, slander, disregard for the poor, and harm to the planet. Would we listen? Would we change?

These questions aren’t meant to condemn but to invite reflection. To be written in God’s Book of Life is the greatest gift imaginable, and it’s freely offered by God to those He chooses. But it’s not a gift we can treat casually. It’s a call to live differently—to resist the patterns of life that diminish our potential and harm others.

Think about what life could look like if we let go of these destructive habits. Imagine the freedom of an honest heart, the joy of selfless giving, the peace of a clean conscience. Picture a world where love for God and neighbour guides every action.

None of us is perfect; we all stumble. Yet God, in His grace, doesn’t demand perfection. He asks for humility, a willingness to turn to Him, and the courage to make better choices. This isn’t about earning our place in The Book of Life—no one can do that. It’s about responding to God’s love with a heart that seeks to reflect His goodness.

Life outside this universe is real. God and his son, Christ Jesus, are watching, not with scorn, but with a longing to see us flourish in the way we were meant to. They cheer us on, offering their help when we reach out to them in prayer.

So, how do you feel about this? Could it be time to reconsider the path you’re on? Not with fear, but with hope, knowing that the same God who writes names in The Book of Life delights in mercy and is eager to guide those who seek Him.

You are not forgotten. Your name can be more than a fleeting memory etched on a wall. It can be written in eternity, a testament to a life transformed by God’s love. Will you accept His invitation? Will you live a life worthy of His gift? So, where will you be in a thousand years?

 “At that time Michael, the great prince who stands watch over your people, will rise up. There will be a time of distress, the likes of which will not have occurred from the beginning of nations until that time. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.” Daniel 12:1 (BSB). 

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