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Jim McCrory

Good Morning America, Japan, Russia, Honduras, Mexico. The Whole Planet.

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Jim McCrory, Wednesday, 5 June 2024, 20:00

Image by Nasa courtesy of  Unsplash

I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what town you come from. I don’t know what your culture is like, or whether you are young, old, newly married, or what religion you belong to. But you know something about me in what I write. This is the problem with blogging; it’s unilateral. I love the human family and would be delighted to sit with a coffee and chat with you about your interests, hobbies, beliefs and what makes getting up in the morning exciting for you.

That’s why I love hill walking in Scotland’s fine places. A few years ago, I was walking up Goat Fell on The Island of Arran on Scotland’s west coast. Accompanying me was a lovely family from Norway whom I just met. I. We had a great cultural interchange. Meeting with them is one of these films that is still rolling in my head despite the passing years. We remember kind people and I hope they had a lovely evening camping at the peak.

Alas! It is not humanly possible to keep in touch with everyone. But I truly believe that in the great cosmic journey, we may still meet the kind strangers that have passed our way.

When Jesus hung dying, a repentant criminal asked him, “When you get into your Kingdom, please remember me.

Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23: 43.

We do not understand the details of that paradise, but one thing is for sure, it’s worth striving for.

So, perhaps you and I will meet again. Just ask for the thoughtful blogger called Jim when you make it.

Please leave a comment and tell me what part of the planet you are  from.

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