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On my Suzuki GSXR750 Rizla Track Bike

Decimal To Binary

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Edited by Franz Ayestaran, Thursday, 7 Jan 2021, 15:32

 Decimal To Binary

Project Author: Franz Ayestaran

Created: 27th March 2016

Updated: 28th March 2016


This project allows the user to convert a decimal value to a binary value.


Simply click the green start flag and enter the desired decimal value into the pop up to display the binary equivalent.. 

Project Linkhttps://github.com/Code-Munkeys/Sense/raw/master/DecimalToBinary.sb

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On my Suzuki GSXR750 Rizla Track Bike

Caesar Cipher

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Edited by Franz Ayestaran, Monday, 28 Mar 2016, 10:21

Caesar Cipher

Project Author: Franz Ayestaran

Created: 25th March 2016

Updated: 26th March 2016


This project allows the user to encrypt text with a simple offset algorithm - also known as Caesar cipher. If you are using 13 as the key, the result is similar to an rot13 encryption.


Simply click the green start flag to run the program, use the key slider to set the offset algorithm and press either [E] to encode or [D] to decode the entered text via a pop up when prompted. If nothing is entered then an example text will be submitted, use the turbo function to speed up the process.

Project Link: https://github.com/Code-Munkeys/Sense/raw/master/CaesarCipher.sb

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On my Suzuki GSXR750 Rizla Track Bike

Morse Code Generator

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Edited by Franz Ayestaran, Sunday, 27 Mar 2016, 14:40


Project Author: Franz Ayestaran

Created: 25th November 2015

Updated: 29th November 2015


Morse code tone generator, simply type in your message and listen as it gets transformed into a sequence of dots and dashes.


Simply click the green start flag to run the program and enter your message into the pop up.

Project Linkhttps://github.com/Code-Munkeys/Sense/raw/master/MorseCodeGenerator.sb

YouTube Videohttps://youtu.be/YjRI5SP94IA


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On my Suzuki GSXR750 Rizla Track Bike

My First Sense Project

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Edited by Franz Ayestaran, Sunday, 27 Mar 2016, 14:23


Created: 14th November 2015 

Updated: 29th November 2015


An interactive pinball game that starts a ball rolling, enabling the player to collect points on the way. The blue and yellow bumpers light up whenever the ball is close, rebounding it back in the opposite direction at a randomised angle. The player can deflect the ball with the aid of a power paddle positioned just above the red zone. The game ends when the ball lands on the red zone at the bottom of the stage. The project includes sampled sounds from a real Pinball machine.


Simply click the green start flag to run the program. Use the arrow keys to move the power paddle left and right.

Project Linkhttps://github.com/Code-Munkeys/Sense/raw/master/Pinball.sb

YouTube Videohttps://youtu.be/hSudCYIPBng

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On my Suzuki GSXR750 Rizla Track Bike

TED Ideas worth Spreading*

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Edited by Franz Ayestaran, Sunday, 27 Mar 2016, 14:23

Danny Hillis

Just watched Danny Hillis "The Internet could crash. We need a Plan B" as part of my TMA01 study material, an interesting analysis of the internet as a whole.


Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Cathy Lewis, Monday, 26 Oct 2015, 14:06)
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On my Suzuki GSXR750 Rizla Track Bike

My First Scratch Project

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Edited by Franz Ayestaran, Sunday, 27 Mar 2016, 14:42


Troll Spirograph Scratch Screenshot

Author: Franz Ayestaran

Created: 10th October 2015 

Updated: 25th October 2015


Generate a multi-colour spirograph. Added a Troll face, a very popular character found in many YouTube videos.


Simply click the green start flag to run the program.

MIT Project Linkhttps://scratch.mit.edu/projects/84727252/

YouTube Videohttps://youtu.be/PKQrPbfzG_Y

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On my Suzuki GSXR750 Rizla Track Bike

Apple fixes lock screen issue in latest iOS 9 update

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Edited by Franz Ayestaran, Sunday, 27 Mar 2016, 14:24

Remember that iOS 9 security issue that allows someone to bypass the iPhone lock screen using Siri and access your contacts and photos? And how some folks thought that it wasn't real? Well, Apple sure did, as the latest iOS 9.0.2 update includes a fix for the problem. Apple said that because of the security hole, "a person with physical access to an iOS device may be able to access photos and contacts from the lock screen." It addressed the issue by "restricting options on a locked device," meaning users will no longer be able to exploit Siri to access those areas.

With iOS 9.0.2, Apple also squashed iCloud backup issues, iMessage activation problems and a bug with mobile data settings. Finally, it fixed a screen rotation issue and improved the security of Podcasts. Want the update now? Don't worry, you should get a notification that it's available if you haven't already.

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On my Suzuki GSXR750 Rizla Track Bike

Apple's App Store infected with XcodeGhost malware in China

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Edited by Franz Ayestaran, Sunday, 27 Mar 2016, 14:24

Apple has said it is taking steps to remove malicious code added to a number of apps commonly used on iPhones and iPads in China.

It is thought to be the first large-scale attack on Apple's App Store.

The hackers created a counterfeit version of Apple's software for building iOS apps, which they persuaded developers to download. 

Apps compiled using the tool allow the attackers to steal data about users and send it to servers they control.

Cybersecurity firm Palo Alto Networks - which has analysed the malware dubbed XcodeGhost - said the perpetrators would also be able to send fake alerts to infected devices to trick their owners into revealing information.

It added they could also read and alter information in compromised devices' clipboards, which would potentially allow them to see logins copied to and from password management tools.

Infected applications includes Tencent's hugely popular WeChat app, NetEase's music downloading app and Didi Kuaidi's Uber-like car hailing app. 

Some of the affected apps - including the business card scanner CamCard - are also available outside China.

"We've removed the apps from the App Store that we know have been created with this counterfeit software," said Apple spokeswoman Christine Monaghan.

"We are working with the developers to make sure they're using the proper version of Xcode to rebuild their apps," said Christine Monaghan. 

On its official WeChat blog, Tencent said the security issue affected an older version of its app - WeChat 6.2.5 - and that newer versions were not affected.

It added that an initial investigation showed that no data theft or leakage of user information had occurred.



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