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H is for Horizon Reports

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Wednesday, 7 May 2014, 06:11
  • Henry Hitchings (The secret life of words)

  • Charles Handy

  • Jane Henry

  • Dion Hinchcliffe

  • Harvard (Harvard Referencing, Harvard Business School)

  • Home working

  • Horizon Reports

  • Hewlett Foundation

  • Tony Hirst

An odd collection of Hs here, but each relevant in their own way; only the one's in BOLD directly relevant to e-learning. We 'home work' because of the Internet and learn by default how to communicate and connect. E-mial is an e-learning tool. We apply learning in wikis and other shared spaces. We work collectively on presentations, speeches and scripts.

The Horizon Reports are extraordinarily insightful. I particularly like their predictions for five years hence; these prefer to be conservative rather than over confident so the Horizon Report 2011 features where we are today, at least at the cutting edge of e-learning.

The Hewlett Foundation funds Open Learn and other organisations. Without it we may not have some of the gems that have come from the Open University.

And Tony Hirst, if you can make sense of the visualizations he does of analytics is something of a guru in online learning circles.

That's my 'H'. Do please suggest others or add to my notes. I think I ought to work this into a presentation, each one tailored to a different audience.

Dion Hincliffe is a consultant for social media and the Web in business; his infographics are legendary. 

Henry Hitchings is a pet favourite with little relevance to e-learning, but I do like how he writes about the changing nature of the English language.

While Charles Handy and Jane Henry and MBA professors; creative problem solving is a pertinent to using the internet as anything else.

Do you want link for these? All are referred to, sometimes with multiple postings, here in my OU Student Blog. 

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Social Media Analytics from the I.E.T.

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Saturday, 26 Dec 2020, 09:27

Settling down to some H800 reading at the end of an extraowrdinary week.

Monday 'attended, livestream conference from the Institue of Educational Technology.

Tweated through-out and got one question in either to Martin Weller or Andrew Laws.

Screen grabs and bllog notes all the way through.

Yet to digest but gripped by Weller's growing view that page views, links and friends for a stream of online writing may be gathered in time as evidence of scholarqship.

Also informed by Tony Hirst and the meaning behind Goodhart's Law in relation to analytics that cease to be a measure as we become skilled at warping/twisting the means by which the stats are generated.

Informed too by the notion of Open Learn content, understandably, as having a commercial as well as a public remit, to inform, but also translate into people signing up for courses.

If there was a Coast course I'd do it. All I've ever had is a fancy booklet.

That was Monday.

This is turnng into one of those weblog things. Now why am I not into all that reverse chronology posting thing? Its having something to say and the desire to say it.

Four entries one day, none for a while.

That's fine too.

P.S. Now that all this stuff is public facing and broadcast should there not be a dress code.

I find myself watching an event taking place in 2011 and being reminded of an OU Physics Lecture of the 1970s. (I often watched this stuff as a boy in the middle of the night. Hippy, beard, denim jacket, flaired-trousers and sandals.)

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Sharing an eclectic mix of blogs ...

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Sunday, 4 May 2014, 09:50

Some days I mostly read, giving me something to write about and forever providing a perspective on how blogging works (it does).

Tony Hirst

OU Academic: Specialist in Educational Technology

Neil Smith

MBA MSC and soon to become MAODEr too

Oksana Fedotova

H800 with a tentative voice

Harvard Business School report

Vlad prospective MBA student blog

MBA Promotional Blog (India Online)

Another MBA from India Blog

MBA Blog Roll and overview ***

Law Blogger

Edirol R-09

The digital recorder from Roland I use to went interviewing people. Good enough for broadcast and for TV if you synch with a clapper-board.

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JISC 2011 on Open Content

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Monday, 18 Nov 2013, 11:34

I might be 275 miles away from JISC 2011 but when I heard my 'jj27vv' Twitter 'handle' used I felt as if I'd been transported to Liverpool. I certainly had to remind myself that I wasn't there ...

The question/s were to do with the use of Open Content, that there never was a blank sheet and that in something like a wiki a history of authorship is tracked.

 The resonses came from:

Amber Thomas, Programme Manager, JISC

Chris Pegler, Senior Lecturer, Open Univeristy;(Our Course Chair in H808 for a while)

Stephen Stapleton, Open Learning Support Officer, University of Nottingham

Vivien Sieber, Head of Learning and Research Services, University of Surrey

Tony Hirst, Lecturer, Open University.

This session and the others are available as podcasts.

Of most use will be the top tips for use of Open Educational Resources by each of the panelists.


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