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Four stories..

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Here are four song's told by a fool to a stone....

This one begins

"...hear that child scream..."

A mother begin's.."firework's sing while Dog's Whinge and bark.."

Another.."..There are no demon's in Hell....they are all here...."
The last....:

"HEAR THAT KNOCKING AT THE DOOR!?"....something's stalking YOU...MONSTER....It has come stalking within your chamber and you cannot hide from it....

It can smell the taint of your blood for a million years...


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Pathetic formalism and power given by strong armed authority that turns out to be no authority at all just a vague amorphous shape that governs by fear and a hoard of stolen knowledges ...and it was the gaining of these knowledges that buried millions of peoples and cultures the world over..

Greek Authority...no authority at all...

Religious authority...no authority at all... 

Guns and fear....no authority

formalism...a way to hide the fact that your no authority except on Formalism....

Sciences authority....no authority at all.

Whats it like to be the Mother and father of a million dead?



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This is you

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Edited by Anthony Dooley, Monday, 8 Apr 2013, 13:38

So tell me

O Great Ones

This is your real world?

A million million lights

tha slave the mind by scientific mesmerism

that dazzlethe eyes of the mind

colours of blue orange brown and  white

any hue you like,any hue you like..

that frid and line and hard steel

the poor

stinking chemist and physicist humour that

poisons the children

and cancers their families..

this is your intelligence...

hollywood lies and  diamonds spinning dazzles...

This is you?

that all's and bricks the land with a lupine howl

randomly...arbitrarily....white on manufactured stone walls..or sand on man-beaten tarmac..

that hunts children.. 

This is you

This is your power?..

that manufactures false glass from false sand...that steals peoples intelligences and then buries them forgotten under stones that lie on salisbury plain or Glastonbury tor

This is you?..

That creates gridlines of unreason....brick and concrete and tarmacadam hells

and creates power from fear stolen from a thousand buried lands...

that neurolinguistically creates slaves by social experiment and manufactured genetics..

This is you?

This is you!

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Edited by Anthony Dooley, Monday, 8 Apr 2013, 12:56

morning Y'all...apologies9sort of) for the rant last week...stress buster had to be done(i was very ill...proper sick...loved every second of it(grin)...anyway...a poem(ish)...


Walking all by by selvish

into the everywhen

round the upside down

up the wrong way right

where the air is effortless and light.

Past the sign of the dark card I go

walking on and over the singing glass

night sure I go.......

past Foxland and wolf skull

moving past the hanging tree and jump-sally motorway bridge and beneath me, the carpet of light's magics me everywhen again and again...

And all above in word-starred sky...I see past the

manufractured scapelands and read the artitexture 

I see underground clouds that jinni themselves from down to up with a hidden whispered sigh...

Black the night(so cold it is) but stars sing,gyring and chanting

gleamering and dancering

forever yhey spin

and this clown dances onand on


some portmanteau words...some not...hybridity in everything Y'all....Hope all are well and studies going well

b9053206e97fe62af5cd05e59fd4d4ca.jpg Taliesin among the tree's...

by Anthony Dooley


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Edited by Anthony Dooley, Wednesday, 3 Apr 2013, 11:20
Creepy meme wars Double imagery. Lies Corruption ,Harm Physics used to intimidate and hurt. Modern medievalism , bunch of creepy child burners and monsters. sick. Percy no chins and they're oh so clever science and literary metaphors that rape,burn and maim. Oscillation,vibration,colour spectrum,hollywood camera electrickery. load of wierdoes! oh and the next time some Algernon Nonose tries to look down at me I'll lay down permanently. Oh and memes don't work on me because I'M fucking clever thats why. Ant
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thats rubbish and you know it!

bollocks to the elite!

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Anthony Dooley, Tuesday, 2 Apr 2013, 19:49)
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....Hidden information so that one kind of man dominates another..

thats nasty..

bc1286f58a251f410fb912fdadc14daa.jpg...call it 'The Nuncio' courtesy of Chairman of the Bored!


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1b37cb1b77e46015a1b486c26e182390.jpg...'taliesin'(shadow of artist and steps,trees' Huyton,Liverpool


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Art y'all(1)

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Double imagery...perspective(multiple or otherwise)..cubism,yoruban sculpture..Picasso..

96a217967893a1298242ab444993046c.jpg...a pair of gloves



4d33b795bb73bbf0575bd003adaa5774.jpg title-'Taliesin and Anubis'..snow and artists  shadow..

Visual poetry.

Hope all are well and studies going well.


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Chinua Achebe

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Bad news guys.Poet gone home... Chinua Achebe died. 'Father.. I dreamt I found an egg And I carried it to you.. You, smiling,broke it and it was empty.. I gasped at the magic and asked why it was empty and You said "But child..now you are here." For Chinua Achebe.. Hero. Ant
Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Anthony Dooley, Monday, 25 Mar 2013, 11:46)
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Edited by Anthony Dooley, Friday, 22 Mar 2013, 14:38

8b4d37c7ae2cafa3b1581979c79268d4.jpgNo Puritans..

No Fundamentalists..


hope all are well


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Edited by Anthony Dooley, Thursday, 21 Mar 2013, 14:41

Spring Equinox Y'all..

April come she will...

Cybele and Attis...

Ishtar and hecate...

these are the beginning of the Grail months(April,May,June)...



9aebd270fbb9353453b176dd62ed075f.jpg'Art Y'all

its called 'Taliesin in the alley',Huyton,Liverpool.

Hope all are well and studies going well too.


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gotta love the Grail myths.

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Art Y'all

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fb111579477359330bc110f67a24b70b.jpg..Taliesin among the Tree's..


d42d04d2fc760361a26b65cd4c0c1b46.jpg..Real Art..

Mornin' Y'all....hope all are well and your studies going well...


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That embarrassed!

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I've only just got the Fox simileblush



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balance...light and shade..multiple perspective...

Hope all are well and studies going well...

What about Mr.Sleary as voice populi!(Dickens,C;'Hard Times'.)

oh and



Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Mat Woolfenden, Tuesday, 19 Mar 2013, 23:04)
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Art Y'all

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batter my heart,three person'd God....

Hope all are well and studies going well..


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hey guys..I just found this,wondering if it will be any help..I might apply myself(pun very much intended)



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Edited by Anthony Dooley, Thursday, 14 Mar 2013, 10:48

I dunno why I wrote the heading..its just cos its there...I'm like Dougal from 'Father Ted' see a button,press it(irresistable).

Been reading a lot lately...properly..not just skimming or raiding for images as I normally do.

Love Dickens even more now,at that time during the Industrial revolution,wars etc he must've been seen as some kind of alien..him and his compassion. What a man..

I still don't like metaphors etc its hiding. How are people to learn if meaning is buried so deeply? Ridiculous,mind I suppose stories and poetry would'nt be half as readable

"it was a dark and stormy night adthe wolves were howling and the count said "Sod off Chiltren of zer Night..its freezing and the tea's gone cold....Again!! I'm going in!" end of story.(grin)

 People have it hard,don't they. The world lands on them and they can still come up smiling. Even those who consider themselves the bad guys(too many films) are only bad because of how tough they have it. 

Respect to people Y'all.

Just a riff..


The light threads memories

legible in cloud speak.

Songs seeming outlawed in

this place

 a new moon  she has grinned

heartmaker in this sky birth 

breath turned

beauty and light.

Don't know where it was going..but its quite nice is'nt..not my usual dark step.

Thats all your fault OU Genius's..





.Art Y'all...this is an image of my t-Shirt on the bathroom floor...notice the remblance to medieval sculpture



      Which just goes to show...the whole world's good at art!(grin)

Hope all are well and studies going well.


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Edited by Anthony Dooley, Wednesday, 13 Mar 2013, 14:02


ESTATE ART RAT shows Pollock how its done!



Hope all are well.


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Edited by Anthony Dooley, Wednesday, 13 Mar 2013, 14:01



In welsh again(my welsh is'nt amazing as I'm self taught so forgive please you Welsh..it is not love that is found lacking but  my stumbling speech)..


Again.in the style of

Pre-Raphaelites.Poe,Baudelaire,Lovecraft et al.




blino o dosturi mor fuan?

Roeddem cynghreiriaid arol

a ydych wedi blino felly o gariad.


Ac rydym ffyrdd rhan

yan gwylio am lawenydd daze

y llal yn perthyn i'r nos.


A chariad

half(?) breuddwydio,hanner gwallgof

Mae fel mwg do yn ffo

mae'n dissipates


dwy neidr,



troelli i ffwrd

oddi wrth ei gilydd


i gyd wedi torri

gani y anadi

o awyr hanner nos.




weary of pity so soon?

we were allies once

you are tired of love.


And we part ways,

one watching for daze delight

the other belonging to the night.


and love,

half dreaming,half mad,

is as smoke

becoming fugitive,



two snakes,



twisting away from each other,


all broken

by the breath

of midnight air.


'So I grew half delirious and quite sick,

And thro' the darkness saw

strange faces grin'



I love welsh..its so beautiful and sung is even beautifuller(grin)...therre is nothing like the sound of yn cariad(in love)

Soon I will be in the land of the summer stars(tir o ser haf)

In merlinland(yn cudyll bach tir)

Hope all are well and studies going well


Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Anthony Dooley, Thursday, 14 Mar 2013, 09:23)
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Poem in a moment

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I'm Bored!
Permalink 8 comments (latest comment by Anthony Dooley, Wednesday, 13 Mar 2013, 13:17)
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Another piece of prosetry..in Welsh

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Edited by Anthony Dooley, Tuesday, 12 Mar 2013, 12:12

f735c4bf4cb62c81a907abe24145df0e.jpg(image-gravestone and Artists shadow,St.Michaels Church,Huyton,Liverpool)

i mewn i'r rhyngom a rhwng, i mewn i allan ac ar y ffyrdd ysbryd,
symud i mewn ac o theand ar y sêr diemwnt malu y llawr theobsidian seren,
yr awyr yn dechrau rhuo fel teigr wrth y drws, ond nid ydym yn gadael iddo i mewn .. peidiwch â hyd yn oed yn ei glywed ... neu weld ... rydym su gosod yn rhuo ... ac ar i ni fynd. . gwrandawiad y gân uchel laposts violin'dthrough wiredillusion ac esgyrn cudd gwag a againstgravestone dŵr bwrw
'rydym yn galw y rhai hen ... anrhydeddu y duwiau' .. ni symud ymlaen ....
A phob nos thoughted ... ddyfnach nag tywyll ... ac yna yn ddyfnach na hynny ... rydym yn mynd, hanner mewn cariad â marwolaeth .. i mewn i gof ..
baetio teirw yn nociau Lerpwl (ie, mae'n digwydd .. hen, hen, hen arferion Rhufeinig ... .. mithraic) ..
gweler y LEER onlookers yn y osgoi'r y seilam ... neu gwyliwch y writhings carthion hwyaden o fenywod i lawr ar y flashes .. neu weld y llygod mawr afon yn nofio yn y pyllau yn Everton ael ... Lerpwl, dinas gyntaf cymru .. . a ddigwyddodd i.
meddyliau nos yn cyrraedd ar gyfer y anadl yr thro thay gorffennol, a nryswch fel niwl mewn upjuttings iasol o olion coedwig a phren .. silwetau a siapiau ac nid ydynt mwyach yn unig rydym yn raedd ... ysbryd i ysbryd, yn Deadman tir â'r presennol-y gorffennol ... geiriau yn marw ar y tafod ... lleferydd yn dod yn ddiwerth i graveborn .. maent yn siarad yn voicestongued â thân ... maent yn siarad yn silences ... rydym yn gwrando.

sorry about capitals...but i didnt want to use te,iagain i wanted to capturethat trance-like,almost automatic writing of say..Poe or Rimbaud..


into the betwixt and between,into the out  of and onto the ghost roads,
moving in and of theand on the crushed diamond stars that star theobsidian floor,
the sky starts to roar like a tiger at the door but we don't let it in...don't even hear it...or see it...we su let it roar...and on we go..hearing the high song violin'dthrough wiredillusion laposts and hollow hidden bones and casting water againstgravestone
'we call the old ones...honour the gods'..we move on....
And all night thoughted...deeper than dark...and then deeper than that...we go,half in love with death..into memory..
bull baiting at Liverpool docks(yes,it happened..old,old,old customs...roman..mithraic )..
see the onlookers leer at the ducking of the madhouse...or watch the duck stool writhings of women down at the flashes..or see the river rats swim in the pits at Everton brow...Liverpool,first city of wales...that happened to.
night thoughts reach for the breath of the past,thay twist and tangle as mist in eerie upjuttings of forest and wood remains..silhouettes and shapes and no longer alone we stan...ghost to ghost,in deadman's land with the present-past...words die on the tongue...speech is become useless to the graveborn..they speak in voices tongued with fire...they speak in silences...we listen.


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Edited by Anthony Dooley, Monday, 11 Mar 2013, 13:27

Mornin' Y'all..hope all are well and studies going well. i'm still studying,still waiting to wander Wales..


meet me by moonlight

and we'll go all of a tale

past old stones and gravestones and cold stones

past the dreamings of walls

and fair near far all under the full moon

and into the gray ones vae.


Past the gravestones we'll go

past the strange-sinister secrets they hold

the cracked,the broken,the newly old

Past hawthorn and heather

past the ghosts and the tigers pleasure

into the glimmering dreamtime of the sillery moon we'll go

into phlegethon...past the spectres who bid us back(them burning so cold)

hand in hand we'll go

past the silvery blue trees.we'll go

and down we'll go,winding round and round we'll go

asking the hail mary ones which way to go

into the church pagan places we'll go

and round and down we'll go

past the wyrms we'll go,

past cloacarum,past fox and woldland..and all into

ghostland we'll go..and greet the Elder gods and the newer Gods(Aedis te deum nosco)'


And here amongst the stony tribe and always young

We'll dance and drink and sing songs from here on to there

and hiding among gravestonestell of mornings and morningtimes(of greeting them before any other see them)...And we'll speak with the ancient ones and blue ones of times to come,of better times to come....

('and what be her cards you ask?Even these:-

the heart,that doth butcrave more,having fed:

the diamond,Skill'ed to make base seem brave:

the club,for smiting in the dark,

the spade to dig a grave'(Rossetti,D.G)


itsa bit rough but hey,i've only just written it9and idea on the way to the library)..what do you think...

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Anthony Dooley, Tuesday, 12 Mar 2013, 11:21)
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