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Christopher Douce

Introduction to Digital Accessibility Compliance

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On 14 January 25 I went to a STEM Professional development event that was pitched as an introduction to digital accessibility compliance. Although I felt that I already felt that I knew quite a bit about accessibility (after being employed on an OU accessibility project, and tutoring on an accessibility module for a good few years), I thought it might be useful to go along to make sure that my knowledge is as up to date as possible.

What follows are some key points that I noted down during the session, along with a few additional related points that appeared in my inbox the following morning. In writing this blog, I offer a perspective, and thoughts drawn from study and previous experience. These notes present a personal interpretation rather than a summary of what was presented.

OU students

I made a note that there are 36k students who are studying with the university who have declared a disability, but this number might be higher, since there isn’t a requirement to disclose. 

The university must be anticipatory, which means that it must be proactively prepared to provide support for disabled students. Some early points of the session included the importance of the social model of disability. This is the notion that people are disabled through society rather than a specific impairment. This is a principle that should guide responses. It is also important to consider disability and accessibility holistically; it is necessary to build in accessibility by design.

Since started as a tutor, I have noticed a change to the disability profiles that are shared. This is information available to tutors to help them understand the needs of students; they are now a lot more detailed than they ever be. 

I learnt that student accessibility profiles draw upon six categories of profile that have been based on real people. A point that was emphasised is that profiles are different from personas, for the reason that every student is different.

Legislation and standards

A number of pieces of legislation were mentioned: the Equality Act, public sector bodies regulations, and EU legislation.

In terms of standards, there is WCAG, of which there are different versions, and different levels of compliance. The university currently aims to gain the ‘AA’ level of compliance, the current benchmark, for WCAG 2.2.

Here is an important new bit that I took away from this session; there is a new standard, WGAG 3, which is a working draft as of 12 December 2024.

Digging a bit further, there is a simple abbreviation which gets to the essence of what WGAG is all about: POUR, which is short for Previable, Operable, Understandable and Robust.

Development and support

Another important point I took away was that accessibility takes time, effort, patience and expertise. One of the things that was emphasised in the module that I was a tutor on was the importance of a community of practice (CoP). Put simply, a community of practice is a group of people who know how to do stuff. A community of practice can facilitate peer support and sharing of expertise, and can help to empower others who are involved in the provision of accessibility.

It was interesting to hear about changes. Accessibility support used to be provided through a team in the Institute of Educational Technology, but this has moved to the Accessibility and User Experience (AUE) team. There is something called the OU accessibility champions network (which is an internal site) which facilitates sessions for advocacy, learning and networking.

It was also interesting to hear about something called the Accessibility Compliance Toolkit (ACT), which is another internal resource. It provides a set of ten tests, and offers help with how to provide a basic accessibility statement. At this point, I remembered another toolkit that can be helpful for module development: the university’s inclusive curriculum toolkit.

Related points

I'm fairly technical. It was good to be reminded of the challenges that accompany the ensuring of the accessibility of non-written notation, such as mathematics (and programming languages). It was also useful (and interesting) to hear different screen readers mentioned, such as Jaws and NVDA which is used to test OU materials.

On the morning that I was about to collate these notes, I was sent a reminder by the OU library services to tutors about services and resources that are available for students. Tutors were reminded to make students aware of the alternative versions of module materials that are available on module website, which are available in the Resources/Download section of every module website.

It was through this email that I learnt of a service I had never heard of before. If ever there is the need to convert one digital learning resources into another form, the library provides a service called SensusAccess (OU Library), where students can upload files, and specify an output format.

As a related aside, I use an Amazon Kindle for study. Like so many tablets, it contains some useful accessibility features (I’m increasingly having to increase the size of the reading font; it’s connection with audio books is quite helpful too). Earlier this year I wrote a short blog post about a Kindle feature that facilitates the conversion of PDFs into a form that is more native to a Kindle.

A point is, of course, that everyone’s needs are different, which means that everyone will use digital media and conversion tools differently.


Over the last couple of months, I’ve been editing module materials. As I’m working through everything, I’m regularly returning to the important theme of accessibility. A question that was posed in this session was: are there any quick wins? When it comes to module materials, the recommendation is to break down an update into stages.

In turn, I’m thinking of how to provide UML diagrams in accessible formats, enabling students are able to interact with them, and manipulate them. This also provides advantages for everyone; it helps students to potentially gain experience of using of digital tools. There are two different tools: a free tool, and a trial version of a commercial product. I’ve been working with the commercial product, but the free tool might be the way to go. When I’m through with updating the text of the module, and I know what diagrams are remaining, I need to do some experiments, with the notation, and also using a screen reader.

I’m concluding with three points: what remains important, what has been updated, and what is new to me. The social model of disability remains important. WCAG has been updated; I need to have a look at WCAG 2.2 and see what version 3 is all about. What is new to me is new(ish) university structures that support accessibility.

It’s now time that I return to module, TMA and exam editing. It’s all go at the moment.


Many thanks for Jade Matos Carew who presented the session with help from Victoria Pearson.

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Christopher Douce

Accessibility: AL Professional Development

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Monday, 2 Dec 2024, 16:48

On 24 April 2024 I attended an AL professional development event that was all about accessibility. What follows is a short blog summary of the event, sharing some of the key points that I found of interest. I’ve written this summary as a part of an eSTEeM writing project, which has the aim of providing useful help and guidance to tutors.

Twenty Tips for more Accessible AL practice

This first session was facilitated by Simon Ball, Associate Lecturer for the faculties of WELS and STEM. The sub-heading for his session was: quick wins and essential adaptations. Simon worked for the Jisc TechDis accessibility service. For a while, we worked together, tutoring a module about accessible online teaching.

He also made the point to me that there is a lot of detail that lies underneath each of his tips, which I’ve tried to summarise concisely as I can:

1: Set up documents. When you create, use, and share documents, always use the Word in-built headings. This makes them navigable for users of assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Plus, it makes documents easier to work with then they get bigger.

2: Images - Inline or floating? Make sure that images, tables, charts, or anything else are embed within Word document ‘inline’ rather than floating. This makes sure that the navigability of a document is clearer. You can check this using the Word Accessibility checker.

3: Punctuate bullet points. Add a full stop at the end of a bullet point. This adds a pause and will make documents more understandable if read through a screen reader.

4: Don’t convey information by visual means alone. In other words, don’t use colour to convey information. If you find that colours are useful in a diagram to share information, make sure that the information presented in the diagram is shared in another way. Screen readers won’t be able to pick up on colours.

5: Avoid relative instructions. Simply put, to use Simon’s words, ‘avoid using only phrases like ‘the box on the right’ or ‘at the bottom of the page’ as learners using a screen reader will not have a clue what is on the right or at the bottom’. This applies to both documents, and to instructions shared within tutorials.

6: Choose accessible fonts. Use sans-serif fonts, and ‘never use smaller than 12 point (RNIB recommends 14 point), or 20 point on slides’.

7: Avoid footnotes. The add complexity when trying to navigate through a document. Simon shares a clear option that they should only be used ‘for providing supplementary information that isn’t essential to the reader, so they can safely be ignored without material loss’.

8: Avoid obliques. In other words, avoid slashes, such as ‘and/or’, since this can cause screen readers to read them as ‘and slash or’. If you can, try to ‘phrase the sentence without the oblique’. It is obviously okay to use them within web addresses and within the subjects that specifically use them.

9: Alt text. Provide alt text, or alternative textual descriptions; ‘all images or graphics that contain useful information (as opposed to purely decorative images) must have alternative text (alt text)’. Give only the essential information that is needed.

10: Set up tables carefully. If you can, do prioritise rows over columns since a screen reader will read a row at a time.

11: Avoid adding textboxes. There is a simple reason for this: they are not read by screen readers. Even if a screen reader did read them, the reading order would be ambiguous.

12: Colour contrast. To ensure readability there must be a good level of contrast between foreground and background colours.. The following specific guidance is offered: ‘for body text you need a ratio of >7 to 1; for headings or isolated words you need a ratio of >4.5 to 1.’ To help, there are some useful free tools available.

13: Make feedback usable. Tell students how they can find on script comments; ‘say where it can be found, and what colour it is’ also invite feedback from students about whether the approach you use is accessible. Give dates of next events and TMA cut off dates, and provide explanations if a student has not gained full marks. Don’t say “9 out of 10, very good”, say something about what needed to be done to get the final mark.

14: Inclusive feedback. Ensure that feedback is ‘directive, constructive and clear’ whilst avoiding ‘metaphors or colloquialisms’. Offer helpful examples. Always consider how your feedback can be read.

15: Keep in touch with students. Keep an eye on which students have disability marker – ask your student about their specific needs, and be driven by them. Check in before assignments. A key point that Simon shared was that the personal touch cannot be overstated.

16: Synchronous sessions (lectures and tutorials). Give each slide a title and a number. Consider using the camera, but do check on student needs and bandwidth. Use anonymous activities such as polls, and encourage the use of raised hands. If you are making a recording do dedicate some time for some unrecorded Q&A discussions at the end of a session. Finally, consider sharing slides before a tutorial.

17: Breakout rooms. Breakout rooms are difficult. Make sure you practice before running a session that has a breakout room. Make sure that students are clear about what is going to happen before moving them into a breakout room. Ensure that there is a helpful slide that describes the task within each room. Allow time; some students may be using assistive technology. Check to make sure there are no sound issues. Give a clear warning before brining students back to a plenary room.

18: Supporting deaf students in synchronous sessions. Allow time for an interpreter to convey messages to and from a student. Ensure that your webcam is on and the pod or window that is used is as large as practically possible; this is to facilitate lip reading. Be sure to summarise any questions asked by students. Ensure that tasks are written onto text chat areas. An additional tip is do turn on any subtitling or transcription tool.

19: Ask about language. Ask students how they would like to be referred to. Different students will have different preferences.

20: Get creative, be a voice. Some subjects will require creative solutions. Consider the challenges that exist within your own discipline. Do contact module teams and line managers for advice and guidance.

20.5: Bonus tip: every tutor always does their best. Don’t worry if you get things wrong. Learn from the experience, and move on.

Proactive motivational support

The second presentation was by Annie Storkey, Associate Lecturer for the Faculty of WELS, who is also an EdD student. Her presentation had an important subtitle, ‘online students with mental health challenges’. Annie shared a number of useful recommendations, which I hope I have summarised effectively:

  • Make early contact with students, especially those who may have disclosed difficulties. Make sure that regular contact is maintained.
  • Use data analytics tools, such as OU Analyse, to find out which students are at risk of withdrawing, and make contact, especially at important points in the module such as TMA cut off dates.
  • Communicate regularly: send regular emails; this can be motivating.
  • If the module addresses sensitive subjects, make sure that students are told of these in advance. In other words, embed resilience into your teaching.
  • Remember that tutors are only able to provide academic support to students, but do feel able to signpost and refer students to the student support team and other support resources.
  • It is really important that tutors look after their own mental health and wellbeing.

I found Annie’s thought provoking. She referenced a former IET colleague, John Richardson and work carried out by Kate Lister, who wrote about barriers and enablers to student mental wellbeing.

AL Support for Dyspraxic Students

The final session was by Angela Eyre, Associate Lecturer from FASS. Angela spoke about a FASSTEST scholarship project, Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder): Understanding students’ requirements, which carried out a survey to explore the barriers and enablers that are faced by students who are dyspraxic. 

Students who are dyspraxic face a number of barriers, which may include memory difficulties, time management, and find it difficult to find information from resources such as module websites. Other challenges may include reduced confidence about articulating thoughts and ideas, and difficulty proofreading and decoding questions.

I made a note of some key enablers, which can include the positive impact that tutors can make, the design of a module, and early access to module materials. Tutors can help by sharing direct and clear encouragement, share checklists for the completion of TMAs, and help students to decode the TMA questions through one-to-one sessions. 

I noted the following words: “give students permission to try [their study approach] their way”; everyone is likely to be an expert in their own condition. Since all students are different, seek guidance from them in terms of their needs and preferences. I also made a note about feedback: model solutions to illustrate alternative ways of forming solutions.

Towards the end of the session, I noted down a couple of resources that were specific to dyspraxia:


What follows are some useful resources which address some of the themes that were shared during this session:


I really enjoyed Simon’s session; I liked how he shared a lot of detail in a concise way. His tips offer a useful practical framework. I’m mindful that I don’t always follow all the points that he highlighted, but I really ought to. When it comes to accessibility of teaching resources, there is always room for improvements.

Annie’s session emphasised the importance of mental health. Her session covered a lot of ground which related to her EdD research, and I took away a number of helpful suggestions. It was interesting that Angela’s presentation described research that considered the barriers and enablers, echoing Lister’s research about student wellbeing.

These three presentations have made me remember another lesson that I once learnt: positive adjustments for one group of students are also likely to help everyone.


Many thanks to all the presenters. Thanks are also extended to the ALSPD team who organised this event.

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Christopher Douce

Generative AI- AL Professional Development

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Wednesday, 29 May 2024, 12:36

On 23 May 24 I attended an AL development event (in my capacity as an OU tutor) that was all about Generative AI (which is abbreviated to here as GenAI). This blog sits alongside a couple of other blogs that I shared last year that also relate to GenAI and what this means for education, distance learning, and education practice.

What follows is some notes that I made during a couple of the sessions I attended, and what points and themes I took away from them. I also share some critical perspectives. Since GenAI is a fast moving subject, not just in terms of the technology, but in terms of policy and institutional responses, what is presented here is also likely to age quickly.

Opening keynote

The event opened with a keynote by Mychelle Pride which had the subtitle: Generative AI in Learning, Teaching and Assessment I won’t summarise it at length. Instead, I’ll share some key points that I noted down.

One important point was that AI isn’t anything new. A couple of useful resources were shared, one from the popular press, How AI chatbots like ChatGPT or Bard work – visual explainer (The Guardian) and another from industry: The rise of generative AI: A timeline of breakthrough innovations (Qualcomm).

An interesting use case was shared through a YouTube video: Be My Eyes Accessibility with GPT-4. Although clearly choreographed, and without any indication of whether any of this was ‘live’, one immediately wonders whether this technology is solving the right problems. Maybe this scenario implicitly implies that visually impaired people should adapt to the sighted world, whereas perhaps a better solution might be for the world to adapt to people with visual impairments? I digress.

There are clear risks. One significant concern lies with the lack of transparency. Tools can be trained with data that contains biases; in computing there’s the notion of GiGO: garbage in, garbage out. There’s also the clear potential that GenAI tools may accept and then propagate misinformation. It is clear that “risks need to be considered, along with the potential opportunities”.

A point was shared from a colleague Michel Wermelinger who was quoted saying “academic conduct is a symptom, not the problem”, which directly takes us to the university’s academic conduct policies about plagiarism.

In this session I learnt a new term: “green light culture”. The point here was that there are a variety of positions that relate to GenAI: in HE there are policy decisions that range from ‘forbid’ to ‘go ahead’.

I made a note of a range of searching questions. One of them was: how might students use Generative AI? It might become a study assistant, it might facilitate language learning, or support with creative projects. Another question was: how could pedagogies be augmented by AI? Also, is there a risk of over dependence in how we use these tools? Could it prevent us from developing skills? How can we assess in a generative AI world? Some answers to this question may be to have project-based assessment, collaborative assessment, to use complex case studies, and to consider the use of oral assessments. 

A point is that students will be using Generative AI in the future, which means that the university has a responsibility to educate students about it

Towards the end of the keynote, there was some talk about all this being revolutionary (I’ll say more about this later). This led onto a closing provocative question: what differentiates you (the tutor) from Generative AI?

During the keynote, some interesting resources were shared:

Teaching and learning with AI across the curriculum

The aim of a session by Mirjam Hauck was to explore the connection between AI and pedagogy, and to also consider the issue of ethics.

Just like the previous presentation, there were some interesting resources that were shared. One of them was a talk: TED Talk: How AI could save (not destroy) education.

Another resource was a recent book, Practical Pedagogy: 40 New Ways to Teach and Learn by Mike Sharples which students and staff can access through the OU Library.

I had a quick look at it, just to see what these 40 new ways were. Taking a critical perspective, I realised that the vast majority of these approaches were already familiar to me, in one way or another. These are not necessarily ‘new’ but are instead presented in a new way, in a useful compendium. The text also shares a lot of informal web links, which immediately limits the longevity of the text. It does highlight academic articles, but it doesn’t always cite them within a description of a pedagogy. My view is: do consider this text as something that shares a useful set of ideas, rather than something that is definite.

During this session, there were some complementary reflections about how GenAI could be linked with pedagogy: it could be used to help with the generation of ideas (but to be mindful that it might be regenerating ideas and bits of text that may be subject to copyright), play a role within a Socratic dialogue, or act as a digital assistant for learning (which was sometimes called an AIDA – an AI digital assistant).

Power was mentioned in this session, with respect to the power that is exerted by the corporations that develop, run, and deploy AI tools. The point I had in my mind during this part of the session was: ‘do be mindful about who is running these products, why, and that they hope to get from them’.

A brief aside…

Whilst I was prepping this blog, I was sent a related email from Hello World magazine, which is written for computing educators. In that email, there was a podcast which had the title: What is the role of AI in your classroom? 

There was an interesting discussion about assessment, and asking the question of ‘how can this help with pedagogy?’ and ‘how can we adapt our own practices?’ A further question is: ‘is there a risk that we dumb down creativity?’

A scholarship question?

A few times this year tutors have been in touch with me, to ask the question: ‘I’ve seen a students answer in a script that makes me think they may well have used Generative AI. What do I do?’ Copying TMA questions, or any other elements of university materials into a Generative AI tool represents a breach of university policy, and can potentially be viewed as an academic conduct issue. The question is: what do tutors do about this? At the moment, and without any significant evidence, tutors must mark what they have been given.

An important scholarship question to ask is: how many tutors think they are being presented with assessments that may have been produced by Generative AI tools?


There was a lot of take on board during this session. I need to find the time to sit down and work through some of the various resources that were shared in this session, which is (in part) the reason for this blog.

When I was a computing undergraduate I went to a couple of short seminars about the development of the internet. When it came to the topic of the web browser, our lecturer said: “this is never going to catch on; who is going to spend time creating all these web pages and HTML tags?” Every day I make use of a web browser; it is, of course, an important bit of software that is embedded within my phone. This connects with an important point: it is notoriously difficult to predict the future, especially when it comes to how technologies are used. There are often unintended consequences, both good and bad.

Being a former student of AI (late in the last century) I’m aware that the fashions that surround AI is cyclical. With each cycle of hype, there are new technologies and tools. Following an early (modern) cycle of AI, I remember a project called SHRDLU, which demonstrated an imaginary world, where users could interact with natural language. This led to an expression that they key challenges had been solved, and all that needs to be done is to scale everything up. Reality, of course, is a whole lot more complicated.

A really important point to bear in mind is that GenAI (in the general sense) cannot reason. You can’t play chess with it. There are, however, other tools within the AI toolset that can do reasoning. As a postgrad student, I had to write an expert system that helped to solve a problem: to figure out a path through a university campus.

I’ve also been around for long enough to see various cycles of hype regarding learning technologies: I joined when e-learning objects were the fashion of the day, then there was the virtual learning environment, and then there was a craze that related to learning analytics. In some respects, the current generation of AI feels like a new (temporary) craze.

Embedding AI into educational tools isn’t anything new. I remember first hearing about the integration of neural networks in the early 2000s.  In 2009 I was employed on a project that intended to provide customised digital resources for learners who have different requirements and needs.

As the models get bigger, more data they hoover up, and the greater potential of these tools generating nonsense. And here lies a paradox: to make effective use of GenAI within education, you need education.

Perhaps there is a difference between generally available generative AI, to generative AI that is aligned to particular contexts. This takes me to an important reflection: no GenAI tool or engine can ever know what your own context is. You might ask it some questions and get a sensible sounding response, but it will not know why you’re asking a question, and what purpose your intended answer may serve. This is why the results produced by a GenAI tool might look terrible, or suspicious if submitted as a part of an assessment. Context is everything, and assessments relate to your personal understanding of very particular learning context.

Although the notion of power and digital corporations was mentioned, there’s another type of power that wasn’t mentioned: electrical power. I don’t have figures to hand, but large language models require an inordinate amount of electrical energy to do what they do. Their use has real environmental consequences. It's easy to forget this.

Here is my view: it is important to be aware of what GenAI is all about, but it is also really important not to get carried away and caught up in what could be thought of as technological froth. It’s also important to always remember that technology can change faster than pedagogy. We need to apply effective pedagogy to teach about technology. 

In my eyes, GenAI, or AI in many of its other forms isn’t a revolution that will change everything, or is an existential threat to humanity; it is an evolution of a set of existing technologies.

It’s important to keep everything in perspective.


A number of resources were highlighted in this session which are worth having a quick look at:


Many thanks to the presenters of this professional development event, and the team that put this event together. Lots to look at, and lots of think about.

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Christopher Douce

AL development in Computing and Communications

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Tuesday, 30 Apr 2024, 15:13

I work with a number of colleagues from the School of Computing and Communications AL development group. The aim of this group is to setup and organise professional development events for tutors who teach on computing modules.

What follows is a set of session titles that I shared with the group during a meeting.

The list begins with a couple of essential ‘old favourites’. I have also taken the liberty of adding a couple of headings that emerged from some of our group discussions. Due acknowledgements are provided at the end of the list.

If you are a tutor within the school, and have opinions about what might help you, then please do get in touch; a part of my role is to politely agitate for effective and useful professional development sessions.

Session titles or topics

Correspondence tuition – Providing effective feedback and marking is an essential part of the tutor’s role. Sessions that enable the sharing of practice are always helpful. In the past I’ve facilitated sessions about how to deliver quality feedback whilst at the same time working quickly and efficiently.

Delivering online tutorials – Although the university has a dedicated team that is about using Adobe Connect, it can be useful to discuss online teaching and online tutorial pedagogy from a school perspective. Tutor in computing might use screen sharing to demonstrate software and show how programming problems are solved. Speaking with fellow tutors can also spark new ideas.

Programme and qualification updates – In some AL development sessions the director of teaching or head of school have provided updates about changes and enhancements to curriculum. There are plans to introduce new programmes, and the degree apprenticeship structure has recently changed. There may also be an opportunity to talk about what is meant by the ‘computing and a second subject’ qualification.

“What do you need?” focus group – Whilst staff tutors are well placed to gather up ideas about what types of professional development might be useful, it is best to hear from tutors directly by asking the question: “what do you need?” The could be run in the form of a focus group, to gather up new ideas that could feed into future professional development events.

Exploring CPD opportunities within the school and the university – CPD is, of course, an abbreviation for continuing professional development. This interactive session would be about sharing experiences of participating in different types of CPD activities. The university can offer a lot: fee waivers, an AL development fund, selected funded study of certain modules, and the Applaud scheme which relates to FHEA membership.

Maintaining work life balance – Every tutor has a different level of workload; tutors may tutor on a single module, or may teach on a complex portfolio of related modules. Sessions which have addressed individual wellbeing and welfare have often been well received. Such a session could be about how to manage workload, especially during periods of high intensity where there can be a lot of marking to do in a short amount of time.

Making the skills audit work for you – The skills audit, which is going to be combined with everyone’s CDSA, is a process that is new to everyone. It is a way to signal your potential willingness to increase your overall employment with the university. The school has defined what is called a ‘controlled vocabulary’ which should be used to summarise your skills and abilities.

Running individual support sessions – From time to time, one-to-one sessions with students can be really helpful to get students back on track. Requests for an ISSS (as they are known) can come from the student support team, your student, or yourself. I’ve never received any training about how to run one-to-one sessions. My sense is that running a really effective individual support session is a skill. A session to share practice may well be useful to some.

Supporting transitions – What I mean by a transition is the movement from one state or level of study to another. Students transition from non-study to study when they begin level 1 studies, or move from level 1 to level 2. Equally, there may well be a state of transition from study to graduation.

Dealing with challenging situations – I’ve included this session idea, since I once attended a really useful session which took place in the former Gateshead regional centre. The session provided tutors with some tips and techniques about how to support students, and gain a sense of perspective when facing some challenging situations.

Other session ideas:

Understanding what the SST does – Some really effective sessions in the past have been sessions that have been about the work of the student support team. Member of the SST can often provide a lot of really helpful advice about how to respond to certain situations.

Introducing the careers service – The careers service is a really helpful service that students can access to, but tutors don’t often know much about the work they do. There is an opportunity with a careers centric session to discuss how modules relates to practical employability skills, and how modules (and tutors) can help to support these.

What happens in module results panels? – After the final TMAs are returned and the deadline for the examinable components (an EMA or an exam) are hit, results are collated and fed into a standardisation process. There is then something called a module results panel, which then feeds into an exam board meeting, where there is an external examiner. What happens within all these meetings? Knowing a bit more about what happens may help us to reassure students.

Monitoring – Every tutor’s correspondence tuition is monitored. Monitoring takes place at different levels depending upon how long a tutor has been working for the university for. A session about monitoring could allow students to share experiences of monitoring, and of being monitored.

Dealing with plagiarism and generative AI – This session could be facilitated by an academic conduct officer who is familiar with the OU’s polices and processes. This session could be used to share practice and experiences which relate to cases of potential academic conduct and plagiarism.


Many thanks to everyone who is a part of the C&C AL development working group. There is an implicit link here to the STEM AL Induction working group, which I’m also a part of. This article can also be read in conjunction with a summary of a ‘top ten tips’ induction session that I have co-facilitated for the last few years.

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Christopher Douce

Windsor AL staff development conference

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Wednesday, 25 Oct 2017, 11:51

In June 2017 I attended the Heathrow and Windsor staff development event. Like other events that are run by the AL support and professional development (ALSPD) team, this was a residential event, which meant an overnight stay. The evening comprised of a meal and an opportunity to network with fellow associate lecturers and to participate in a number of activities that allowed us to share practice.


The main conference day comprised of a faculty specific sessions followed by two cross-faculty AL development sessions that everyone could choose from. There appeared to be a good mix of presentations, which included a talk about professional recognition (which relate to fellowship of the Higher Education Academy), updates about a new teaching tool called Adobe Connect, and how to apply for new associate lecturer vacancies.

The faculty session began with a short talk about a professional development initiative called By ALs For ALs (which I hope to blog about later at some point). This was followed by a breakout into different rooms depending upon the ‘schools’ that tutors were affiliated to.

I led the School of Computing and Communications session, where I shared a number of updates (thanks to slides that were prepared by the head of school). Key points included plans for the updates to the Group Tuition Policy, and the recruitment for new modules. In my school, two new modules are: TM111 and TM112, which are new introduction to computing modules, replacing a larger 60 point module.

Workshop: delivering excellent correspondence tuition quickly

In the afternoon, I facilitated two cross faculty workshop sessions which had the title: Delivering excellent correspondence tuition quickly: is it possible and how do we do it? This session had a big and deliberately provocative title, and relates to a subject that is really important to me: I’m very mindful of the importance of delivering effective correspondence tuition.

Here is the abstract of the session: Correspondence tuition takes a lot of time. Delivering excellent correspondence tuition is both an art and a challenge, but how we can try to deliver excellent correspondence quickly? This session is open to anyone in any faculty and is all about sharing experiences and uncovering correspondence tuition techniques to make things easier for ourselves. If you are a new tutor and would like to learn some useful tips and techniques, then do come along! If you are an experienced tutor and would like to share your experience with others, you will be especially welcome too! You will hopefully come away with an armoury of techniques that you can apply with your next TMA. An outcome of the session will be a useful resource that will be shared to everyone after the AL conference.

To prepare for the session, I wrote a PowerPoint presentation. I also designed the session to be as interactive as possible since I felt that I wouldn’t have all of the answers, and that it was important to listen to the views of tutors. To give a feel for the session, here is a quick summary of all the slides that I had prepared.

Summary of session presentation

After a quick introduction, I asked a series of questions to elicit thoughts about how to define excellent correspondence:  What do you think is important? What should be included? What tone should you adopt? What really matters in your subject or module? Where does feedforward go?, and Where does feedback go?

Next up was a slide that described some research by a former colleague called Mirabelle Walker, who wrote a paper entitled ‘An investigation into written comments on assignments: do students find them usable?’ This paper was an OU study which conducted an analysis of over 3000 comments on 106 assignments in 3 modules. Different comment types were identified: content, skills development, motivating (and demotivating!), mention of future study, references to resources.

Some research

A key factor was depth of comments: indication of a problem, correction of a problem, correction along with an explanation. .Motivating comments offered identification, amplification relating to the praise, explanation as to why something is good. In terms of the analysis, these came out as indication (33.3%), amplication (56.1%), explanation (10.6%). Another type of comment was skills development comments, where were analysed as follows: indication (7.7%), correction (78.8%), explanation (13.5%)

A key point that I had on the slide was the comments aimed to bridge gaps of understanding, i.e. they are intended to move things along. I also posed a question to everyone: is there anything that your module team can help with? The implication of this is: if there is something that a tutor think that a module team can help with, then it is really important to get in touch and to let them know.


For the next bit of the slide, I presented a set of questions across two slides. The first slide had the title: How do you do your correspondence teaching? The questions were: Where do you do your marking? What do you do before you start? Do you have a routine? If so, what is it? Do you have a strategy or an approach?, and What do you tell your students?

The second slide had the title: Doing things quickly… or using time efficiently. It had three key questions: (1) What would be your biggest tip for a new tutor? (2) What would be your biggest tip for a fellow tutor? (3) What would you put in a resource for a tutor?


Towards the end of the session, I shared set of eleven personal marking tips and opinions. The idea of sharing these personal views was to consolidate all the discussions; the tips and any differences in opinions about them could facilitate further discussions. 

My marking tips were: (1) check on the tutor forum to see what other tutors are saying, and whether other tutors have any issues with the scripts that students have submitted, (2) create a TMA summary template using comments that have been given to a student as a part of an earlier TMA, similarly (3) take time to look at the previous TMA (PT3) summaries. (4) to ensure consistency, mark a question at a time (unless your module assessment structure suggests it might be easier doing something different) (5) use a computer that has multiple screens; this way you can see different views of the work more easily. (6) don’t agonise over individual marks; use your marking instincts and commit to something; you’ll invariably be right.(7) when giving feedback, explain why things are assessed (what is it assessing) (8) offer pointers beyond boundaries of the module; this may help students to understand the assessment structure. (9) Proactively tell students how marking are going either by email, or by a forum, or both! (10) Always praise effort, not the score. And finally, (11) if it is apparent that a student is having real problems, you can always recommend running a special session.

Discussion summary

During each of the two workshops, I captured some of the key discussion points by making notes on a flipchart. What follows is a brief summary of some of the main points captured from each of the two groups.

Group one: excellent correspondence tuition can mean timeliness, i.e. returning things quickly so the students can benefit from the feedback. Sign posting is considered to be important, as is being specific. It is important to acknowledge effort, and to stretch students. It is also important to manage their expectations. 

An interesting approach is to ask them leading questions, or to present a series of questions. It is useful for tutor to do some monitoring (to help with module quality control). Feedback should be personalised, and should be concise and precise. Use positive language. Other thoughts included defining what is meant by learning success, or setting a learning goal for the future. Finally, use the KISS principle, which means: keep it simple. Also use a ‘feedback sandwich approach’ that emphasises the positive.

Group two: the feedback should be personalised for the needs of students, so it can help them to progress. Feedback should be detailed, but not too detailed. It is also (of course) important that tutors follow the marking notes (and refer to the learning outcomes) that have been provided by the module team. Offer students some priorities in terms of things to work on. As well as be encouraging, give students three (positive) points of advice, and offer signposts to the things that they can do to improve.

Also, do contact the students if we need to. Offer pointers to encourage them to look forward to different parts of a module and explain how the different parts are connected together. In terms of tone, emphasise what needs to be done to move forward. Be professional, and also do comment on study skills, such as referencing. Explain module ideas and correct terminology. Offer feedforward comments with reference to the final assessment and accompanying learning outcomes.

The second group also had some very practical suggestions: tutors should encourage students to become familiar with the assignment submission process by submitting a dummy eTMA. Another point was about the use of discussion forums to share information (and, perhaps, even notes that relate to the module). 


There was a lot of discussion that took place during both of the two workshop sessions that I facilitated. These notes are drawn from the plenary sessions that I ran. Another thought is that the points that I have presented here are, of course, influenced by my own experiences as a tutor. Different tutors at the same sessions may have come away with a very different view about what was discussed, and that is something that is okay: every time we go to one of these professional development sessions, invariably we pick up something new.

The biggest thing that I have, personally, taken away from the session is the thought of: ‘offer the students three key points when you give them feedback; offering more than three points has the risk of overloading them’. This comment relates to the assessment summaries which are used to offer feed-forward guidance, rather than feedback which is directly left on a student’s script. This is a thought that I have thoroughly taken on board within my own practice as a tutor on a Computing and IT project module.

I came away with another thought: I felt that the use of Mirabelle’s research really helped to contextualise and explain our academic practice. This got me thinking: perhaps I could do a literature review of research that relates to correspondence tuition. Whilst I certainly could do that (I’ve made a note!), there are other things that I need to get on with. One of those things is a summary of another professional development event that was held in Leeds.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Christopher Douce, Thursday, 10 Aug 2017, 17:49)
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