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The story behind the news coming from Ukraine

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Edited by Ana Belen Canales Teixeira, Tuesday, 25 Apr 2023, 10:11

The story behind the news coming from Ukraine


On the 9th March this year I was at work when reading in the news about the Russian booming to a hospital in Ukraine, I felt outraged and got up from my chair saying, “I never thought a leader like Putin would act this precarious way”, I had the image of a charismatic leader participating in multicultural events with certain parental populism and interesting speech as if he would know what the problem of the world is. That was fine, what could make him act in such a way? what are the foundations for Russia to invade Ukraine since the collapsed of USSR in 1991?


The resume:

Between 2010 and 2014 the Ukrainian people elected Viktor Yanukovych a pro-Russian politician from “The party of Regions’ party as Ukrainian president, (Pifer, 2014) his governance caused serious turbulences among civilians that differed on his ideology and was removed from power after The Maidan in 2014 because he refused to sign a Trade Association Agreement with Western Europe. 

(Reuters, 2014) He sent a letter to Putin to use the force to save Ukraine and take him out of the country (BBC, 2014) "I will say it openly - he asked to be driven away to Russia, which we did," the Russian president said”, who since then has declared the war with the biggest conflict in Donbas and incremental attacks to key places of the country, but as he doesn’t get enough competitive advantage against the fast-growing Ukrainian democracy, his personnel as he refers to his army has performed so far (Tondo, 2022) a large number of executions such as hands tied behind backs, gunshot wounds to the head and slit throats, raped women before being killed and using explosive weapons with wide area effects in populated areas” as per a report of a UN.

I ficticiously decided to interview Vladimir Putin to understand the why of all the precarity of a war and what found was an immature teenager that lives in the past and still in love of Unite States of America, but I had to be careful, because his rhetoric with certain appearance of a man of justice just masked the villain who just try to catch attention with booming a nuclear plant and crashing airplanes into buildings 

The problem is, who can stop his operations? why the Russian people is doing nothing against these actions? if the purism of the Russians feels threatened by a capitalist world that sometimes might have been taken over already some traditional values and doesn’t tolerate a multicultural approach for being competitive in the world, why then the country does not working on developing a sustainable competitive advantage as a nation with the other countries in the world? What does really Russia want? Is it lacking talent?

When did research about Mr. Putin the findings were devastating because of the little power of the opposition by the near de facto one party system in Russia, but the bad is the cases of corruption in the Kremling like the attempt of murdering of the leader of “Russia of the future” party Alexei Navalny, a reformist, anti-corruption and pro-European ideologist who had shown certain response from the Russian people and now condemn to 9 years in prison when recovered and returned to Russia. (EU, 2021) Nalvany is a recognized leader by the EU parliament and had just flourished the possibility of a multicultural Russia as other countries that lead the global affairs in the world.

There is not hope in a deaf man unable to listen the rest of the world that acknowledge Ukraine as a nation. Leaders of other countries have talked directly to him about it, like for example (BBC, 2014) “German Chancellor Angela Merkel has told Mr Putin that the elections in the east must be held under Ukrainian law”, instead he claims to the world a terrorist attack against Russia the cut of bridge communicating Russia with Crimea. The man seems insane, (Reuters, 2022) but the Kremlin has already denied the concerns about Vladimir Putin health issues.


What is the world we want? 

The world is currently in a multicultural race for taking the human race out of precarity, (Potocan and Mulej, 2007) the Ethics of Interdependence (EI) is a global challenge working together for the commonwealth that is being first implemented by sustainable transnational enterprises and aims to expand as global development in which all nations take part and benefit of further opportunities and enriching their cultures

The difficulty of the EI model is high because the multicultural interferences causing turbulences difficult to overcome, up just for adventurers expecting of people to learn fast for making new businesses around the world. There is nothing for granted and many the things that each country want for its people, so why do we want this war?

I today declare my preference to work with all countries of the world, communists, monarchies or republics and act ethically under the global stablished laws at exception of Russia and just by its incapability to stand against his endless corrupted regimen.

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