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Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 17 Sep 2012, 21:39

"are alway a power two of us."

This was odd to start with, how could they add me? But some sense of mine was seeing...

"Is it that...?" I started to ask.

"Yep, they are marsh-wiggles. And." He paused and wiped his face. "There isn't a puddle-glum. We've checked."

I asked to the air, but to the other me really, "where are their hats?"

"That might be a great part of our problem."

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Marcus Becker, Tuesday, 11 Sep 2012, 09:00)
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Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 17 Sep 2012, 21:39

I smelled something rushing past me. Smelled?

"It takes a while for your senses to adjust to it. You might taste a touch, or something, for a while." A me was standing behind me. "See that?" he pointed at...

"That looks like a  ... number." I seemed to see a dark decimal scrolling out of a nowhere off into a nowhere.

"We see it that way, most of the others don't."


"Yes, quite a lot. Mostly clone-sets like us, but not always and..." He trailed off with a look, a look which if it meant the same as if I had made it, I didn't like.


"The personal metric bit", he perked up, "it seems to be related to our feet, or whatever. We can do what we like with the rest of our bodies and it seems like we're in R three but as soon as we move our feet..."

"Where are we?"

"The jury is a bit out on that one I'm afraid. Oh, and we all have mobile phones."

"What? Why does that matter?" Something else rushed by me, I tasted it. "That's..."

"Your brain will start to cope with it soon. It's like when you wear upside down glasses. Pretty soon you'll see again with your eyes."

Sadly I knew what that meant. If you wear glasses that make the world look upside down, your brain will eventually turn it the right way up again.


"Yes, none of us are sure how many dimensions exist here." And what it is that our brains are making sense of was the sub-text.

"What do the others see?"

"Difficult to say, none of them are human apart from us and this makes concepts difficult to communicate. We don't know if we are talking about the same thing."

"Don't!" I'd raised a foot to kick him. "Put it back carefully and I'll introduce you to the gang.

I'm an insufferable pratt, and he was clearly me.


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Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Neil Anderson, Monday, 17 Sep 2012, 21:40


I was stood on an endless whiteness with a something that looked like a me hailing me from thirty feet. He was very still.

"Don't take so much as a single step."


"Distance doesn't work the same way here."


"Neil, we know this stuff, you remember the discrete metric, you remember that Greek guy..."


"Him. Well it doesn't work that way here."


I must have taken a step, or shuffled, because I was suddenly about a mile away from the other me. He was just a black dot on the whiteness. A mobile phone that I didn't know that I had rang in my pocket.

"Don't do that again. Do you want to be lost here?" My voice said when I eventually managed to get the thing working.

"Why is my personal metric working?" I asked.

The phone went dead and things started to get weird.

Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Deborah Skewes, Monday, 10 Sep 2012, 11:47)
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