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the cavern of the loons

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Tuesday, 17 Sep 2013, 23:59

Given the latest Snowden revelations about the NSA [I'm 'just' going to link to Schneier because, many things are happening and I know that he will keep up with those and filter out the nonsense] I expect to hear/read many more [batcrap] conspiracy theories, because...

"Look what the NSA managed to do, getting round the government, spying on us all...."

Did they [NSA] get away with it? They probably will, in the sense that nobody will personally suffer. But in the grand sense? FAIL.

They have a budget of over $50 BILLION a year and they kept this secret [that they wanted, and tried, to spy on everyone] for how long? Under a few years. And despite having lots of clever peeps they made the moron play of exporting their sysadim responsibilities to a private company? Did they not watch person of interest?

Why has nobody been sacked? Bit embarressing for everyone, we all did it...

Every organization is useless at keeping secrets and as an organization grows that will get worse. There are no conspiracies, anyone involved in any organization realizes that the costs of cheating are way out-of-line for what you want to achieve unless you have government support. The problem that the government have is that they think that what they say means something; but in the end someone will blab, will blab with very good evidence. Because your security was useless at security.

So to say that the Catholic Church has been covering up, "really important information about Jesus..." for over 2000 years, is just fucking rubbish. Why would they want too? Given their utter incompatence at covering up their, shall we say, rather difficult celibacy problems, which they clearly wanted to cover up...doesn't jibe with reality.

Why do I care about this? Because at some point some nutter will say, something like, "the moon is made of cheese". 

I will point out the lack of evidence.

"The moon landing was false." As if that makes a fucking difference to your cheese argument, there is plenty other science and that is primia facia bullshit.


That's what they did: empowered nutters.

Here's my conspiracy theory: the NSA or some Lizard, intends to take us back into the stone-age by behaving so madcrap-deranged that nobody will trust anybody but nutcases, and they'll take the helm.


As conspirecy theories go it's a bit naff but I defy you to refute it :AFTER ALL LOOK AT WHAT THE NSA HAS DONE!!!


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