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Richard Walker

One for the Uxbridge English Dictionary

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abeyance : behave as your parents' sisters tell you to.

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Richard Walker

Sunset 19-01-2025

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Richard Walker

Three Old English Tool Names 🔨🪚🔧

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Here are three tools whose modern English names descend from very similar Old English words. All are of Germanic ancestry and ultimately come from Proto-Indo-European (PIE) roots. And they all have emojis!


Hammer : From OE hamor, Proto-Germanic (PG) *hamaraz and probably from a word that meant "stone"; possibly derived from a PIE root ak- "sharp" or "tip"and if so related to a whole host of words; some surprising examples are acrobat, acronym, acropolis, oxygen, eager and vinegar


Saw : From OE saue, PG *säge, from PIE *sek "cut" and related to words such as Saxon, scythe, secateur, section, secant , segment and insect.


Wrench : From OE wrencan, from PG *wrankjan, from PIE *wer- "turn". Related words include adverse, wrangle, wrap, vertex.

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Richard Walker

Six Subatomic Daffynitions

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neutron : Ronald the newt

electron : vote for Ron!

boson : ship's officer

quark : duck noise

photon : imitation ton

particle : average tickle

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Richard Walker

Tom Swifty Strikes Again

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“I’m a bit stretched at the moment”, said Tom intentionally.

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Richard Walker

My solution to "Lost in the Fog" Question 1

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Edited by Richard Walker, Monday, 13 Jan 2025, 12:59

To reiterate this question, imagine we are rowing on a round pond 200 m across when suddenly fog descends and visibility is effectively zero. You are lost and unfortunately the fog fell too quickly for you to have any idea of your location relative to the pond's edge. What is the shortest distance you can row to guarantee reaching the edge of the pond and what path should you follow?

To begin with, any straight path of length 200 m must be a diameter of the pond. Therefore, if we choose an direction at random (we do not know where the shore lies relative to our location so one direction is as good as another) and travel in a straight line, we are certain to reach the bank after at most 200 m. So this is am escape path.

It's natural to wonder if some ingenious non-linear path might guarantee hitting the pond's edge in a shorter distance, but we can show this is impossible.

Here's the proof.

Suppose we can guarantee reach the shore in a distance of less than 200 m by following some path starting at A and ending at M and let M be the point half-way along the path, so the path length for M to A and to B are both less than 100 m.

Consider an arbitrary point X somewhere along the path. The distance along the path from M to X must be less than 100 m and the straight line distance from M to X must therefore also be less than 100 m. Since X was an arbitrary point it follows that every point on the path is less than 100 m from M and we can draw a circle with centre M and radius less than 100 m.

But this is smaller than the pond, which has a radius of 100 m! So it's possible for the whole of AB to lie within the interior of the pond and it therefore cannot form a guaranteed escape path.

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Richard Walker

Lost in the fog

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1. Suppose you are in a boat on a circular pond 200 m in diameter when suddenly thick fog comes down and you realise you are lost and have no idea where you are relative to the shore.

What strategy should you follow in order to minimise the distance you must row to be certain of reaching the shore? What is that distance?

2. What if the pond, instead of being circular, is an equilateral triangle of side 250 m? How far might you have to row in this case?

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Sunday, 12 Jan 2025, 11:28)
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Richard Walker


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Richard Walker

Old Joke…

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 9 Jan 2025, 23:17

But I hadn't heard it.

“There's a fairy at the bottom of my garden.”

“Really? What’s the fairy called?"

"Nuff. Fairy Nuff."

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Richard Walker

Solution to "A dotty Puzzle..."

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In a comment, Steven McDonald already gave a nice solution to the puzzle here. My own solution is equivalent but framed a bit differently; I went for a more visual explanation.

Each of the rectangles we want to count is determined by some two rows and two columns of the 10x10 grid, as shown in this example:

For the rows we have 10 choices for the first, which leaves 9 choices for the second, but that will have double-counted each combination, because for example row 5 and row 9 represents the same pair as row 9 and row 5. So we must divide by 2 and there are

(10 x 9) / 2  = 45

distinct combinations.

Similar reasoning gives 45 of ways to choose two distinct columns and so we find there are 45 x 45 = 2025 different rectangles.

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Richard Walker

How to be Unique

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I wrote a program in Python that generates 10,000 (genuinely) random digits 0-9. Then I printed these out as a single long number. It is 375 lines long; here are the first three


There are 1010,000 such 10,000 digit numbers numbers, and so if you or I run the program again the chances of the same one coming up again are infinitesimally tiny. In fact we can be pretty certain that the same number will never be generated ever again.

So if you ran my program, read the output (takes a while!) and then erased it, you would have seen a number that no-one has seen before or will see again. Your very own number!

This is based on something I saw on YouTube a while ago, I can't recall exactly where.

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Richard Walker

A Dotty Puzzle for the New Year

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On this 10 x 10 square grid I have drawn some rectangles with their corners on points of the grid and their sides parallel to the sides of the square. The colours have no particular significance I just used them to make the picture more interesting.

There are obviously many other rectangles that can be drawn on this grid. Can you work out how many there are altogether? Answer on Tuesday.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Sunday, 5 Jan 2025, 22:09)
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Richard Walker

Meet the Isobaths

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I didn't know this word but it was the last answer in yesterday's crossword. The cryptic clue was 

Line showing equal water depth is over tub (7)

This baffled me but a friend suggested the word play is IS + O + BATH = ISOBATH (tub is 'bath', get it?) and there must therefor be such a word. Sure enough when I looked up isobath it means a line of equal water depth. Merriam-Webster gives the definition as:

an imaginary line or a line on a map or chart that connects all points having the same depth below a water surface

As well as this meaning the OED provides a second definition, for a special kind of inkwell:

Trade-name for an inkstand with a float so contrived as to keep the ink in the dipping-well at a constant level

Ingenious but I suppose largely obsolete.

Since water is involved is there any connection with baths? Well no, isobath is from Latin and Greek. iso means 'the same', in Latin/Greek as in isobar or isotherm, and the bath element means 'deep' in Greek, as in bathysphere. Bath on the other hand is an English word of Germanic descent and comes from a root that originally had connections with warming, so applying the word bath to hot springs is very appropriate. German Bad meaning bath is essentially the same word.

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Richard Walker

Tom Swifty

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"Your decision to lower the pitch of the doorbell by a semitone was pure genius", said Tom flatteringly.

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Richard Walker

Wind Haiku

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New Year's wind

Rattling this old house.

Maybe it's time for a shake up.

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Richard Walker

Can you guess the phrase?

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Edited by Richard Walker, Friday, 3 Jan 2025, 01:44

Merriam-Webster defines it as: "an unrealistic enterprise or prospect of prosperity". What is the expression? The picture above is a clue.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Friday, 3 Jan 2025, 01:43)
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Richard Walker

Limerick — Homage to E. L.

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Richard Walker

An old puzzle and a new surprise

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Edited by Richard Walker, Saturday, 28 Dec 2024, 00:31

—You've probably seen this puzzle, which goes back to at least 1913 and was not new then.

Three utility companies, Gas, Water and Electricity, want to each connect a supply to three houses, Nos. 1 and 2 and 3 Topology View. For technical reasons they do not want anyone's connect to cross another's. The sketch below shows a partial solution, in which 8 of the 9 connections required have been made without any crossings. 

But making the last connection from E to No. 1 seems impossible without a crossing, and indeed it is. A particularly elegant proof is given in this Wikipedia article.

But all of this assumes we are working on a flat plane. What if we change the setting so that suppliers and houses are on a giant donut aka as a torus, as shown below?

Well now we are on a torus we can take a path for E to No.1 that goes round the back of the torus, up through the hole in the middle, and connects to No.1, as indicated by the dotted line in the next sketch.

This configuration of two sets of three points (aka vertices), with lines (aka edges) between point in the first set and every point in the second is called the complete K3,3 which is reasonably self-explanatory. It is one of two "special" configurations, the other being K5 . K5 also cannot be drawn in the plane without a crossing, as we see in the next sketch.

Although I have labelled it K5 that is not quite accurate, because it isn't complete; it ought to have 10 edges. However similar to K3,3 it is impossible to draw it in the plane without two edges crossing.

These two configurations are special because they let us answer the question "What, not necessarily complete, point and line configurations is it possible to draw in the plane without any crossing edges?" The answer is: exactly those configurations that contain no sub-configurations equivalent (in a fairly simple way but I'll skip the detail) to K3,3 or K5.

This is amazing, if you think about it: there are just these two forbidden sub-configurations and if they are avoided any point and line configuration whatsoever of the kinds we have been looking at can be drawn,"embedded", in the plane with no crossings.

Back to the torus. We have seen that K3,3 can be embedded in the surface of a torus, and so can K5 it turns out. In fact we can embed K4,4 (so we could fit in broadband too!) and K7. So we might ask: is there some set of forbidden configurations that let us say what can and cannot be embedded in the surface of a torus, similarly to the way we answered the question for the plane?

The answer is yes there is, but non-one can say yet how many forbidden sub-configurations there are. All that is known at present is that they number at least 17,523. That is the surprise alluded to in the title of this post. When I read that going from the plane to the torus involved a jump from 2 to 17,523 I was staggered!

And of course a torus has only one hole, but we could have 2, 3, 4,... holes and so on, so whatever happens there? It's mind-boggling!

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Richard Walker

Mental arithmetic trick

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 26 Dec 2024, 16:10

Soon it will be 2025 and that reminded me of an arithmetic trick that used to impress my students, when I was a maths teacher.

Suppose you want to square a number ending in 5, for example 85. Take the first digit, 8, and add 1 to it to get 9.

Now work out 8 x 9 = 72, then put 25 (it's always 25) at the end, giving 7225

And sure enough 85 x 85 is 7225.

This works with any number that ends in 5, for example 1152 is 13225, although doing the calculation in your head obviously gets progressively harder.

What has this to do with 2025? Well 2025 is a square you see; using the method above we find 452 = 2025. This may seem unremarkable, after all, aren't there plenty of square numbers (infinitely many in fact)?

But they get further and further apart the further we travel along the number line – so for example by the time we reach a million only (1,000/1,000,000) x 100% = 0.001% of numbers up to that point are squares. In the long run the proportion of squares gets closer and closer to zero.

And the next square year after 2025 will be 462 = 2116, another 91 years off.

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Richard Walker

Xmas Knock-Knock #7

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Who’s there?


Anna? Anna who?

Anna bells were ringing out
for Christmas Day.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Jan Pinfield, Wednesday, 25 Dec 2024, 12:54)
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Richard Walker

Not actually reindeer but the kids were thrilled 🦌

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Some friends' children were walking to church yesterday and were enchanted to see Santa's deer crossing the skyline.

You can see some of them have well-developed antlers and my guess is they were fallow deer, which are common round here, but hard to be sure from so far off.

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Richard Walker

Xmas Knock-Knock #6

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Edited by Richard Walker, Monday, 23 Dec 2024, 23:57


Who’s there?


Lars? Lars who?

Lars Christmas, I gave you my heart...

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Tuesday, 24 Dec 2024, 21:01)
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Richard Walker

Xmas Knock-Knock #5

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Who’s there?


Cooking? Cooking who?

Cooking Wenceslas looked out...

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Monday, 23 Dec 2024, 23:51)
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Richard Walker

Xmas Knock-Knock #4

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Who’s there?

Hugh A.

Hugh A. who?

Hugh A. in a manger…

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Richard Walker

Xmas Knock-Knock #3

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Who’s there?


Asquith who?

Asquith gladness, men of old...

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Jan Pinfield, Sunday, 22 Dec 2024, 09:47)
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