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Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Monday, 18 Mar 2013, 06:47


Fig. 1. Way is will be ...

  • Way was
  • Way is
  • Way will be ...

Web 1.0 Top down and traditional

Web 2.0 Democratization of information - anyone can publish

Web 30 The data takes over - construction and reconstructing itself to form unique and original combinations, even coming up with new ideas?

This is doodled on the back of a handout from the Web Science Docotoral Training Centre, University of Southampton where I had spent the afternoon. Serendipty really - the long train journey in and back and the iPad had run out of juice obling me to do some reading. In any case, pen on paper is often the best place to express thoughts, to 'get them out there' in a skamp or draft form.

This is how Dion Hinchcliffe expresses it:


With a link to hundreds of his diagrams


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Design Museum

Hedging your bets or studying what might have happened three years ago?

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Saturday, 10 Sept 2011, 17:40

There's no reason why information and knowledge cannot be shared in a way that is attractive, memorable, comprehensible and fun.

Some academic papers, taking years to come to publication due to a protracted process are not only stultifying dull, but they are out of date (6 months ago is history if you are talking about e-learning, let alone anything Web related, what is more, the review process of these papers is akin to colleagues around the world patting each-other on the back).

No wonder they wouldn't gain much credence in the commercial world where decisions have to be made based on the bests facts TODAY about what may happen TOMORROW.

Dion Hinchcliffe Social Business Ecosystem Chart


I find thinkers/authors straddle the worlds of commerce and academia reasonably well. The experts of course are advising hedge fund managers who have an uncanny ability to know what is about to happen.

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Design Museum

Some struggle to create a social business, others go viral. What does it take?

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Friday, 9 Sept 2011, 13:01

Having followed Dion Hinchcliffe for a couple of years I'd now happily shadow him. A combination of sonud thinking, a business background (IT), a polished and dense writer with authority who tops it all off with one-stop graphics like this.


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Design Museum

3 Ways to making your intranet social

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How best to use social networking in an intranet


These are sound arguments from Dion Hinchcliffe on three fronts:

  • a cogent, well written arguement
  • supported by the figures
  • persuasively illustrated

How do you persuade people to give up some of the time they have allocated to other things to doing something that a) appears to be a social activity (as if colleagues don't talk over coffee, over lunch, in corridors and at the desk and b) becomes a record of the time spent doing this very thing.

Communication is work.

Building rapport in a team is work.

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Design Museum

Visualising the interplay of people online

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In an online world where we are overwhelmed by images, and in social media with fancy infograhics and a myriad of presentation styles from the dissected body of a deep- sea squid (a mind map) or the amateur stick-men that illustrate an e-tivity to the stunning designs of David MacCandless, it is a delight and surprise to find over the last two years the I recognise a Dion Hinchcliffe disgram; he's become a brand and one worth following.


Dion Hinchcliffe keynote speech (2011)


Dion Hinchcliffe's writing is just as sure, rich, dense and convincing.  ______________
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Design Museum

Persuasive visualisations of the way the wild web 2.0 world is going

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Wednesday, 7 Sept 2011, 17:38
The visuals I create lack the refinement of Dion Hinchcliffe but I am encouraged that I think along similar lines. He has a sound IT and business background too.




Dion Hinchcliffe Social Enterprise networking thinking



It isn't hard to apply the same thinking to social learning.
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Design Museum

Dion Hinchcliffe's Social Networking Charts

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Monday, 18 Mar 2013, 06:19




Dion Hinchcliffe Social Enterprise networking thinking






Dion Hinchcliffe keynote speech (2011)





Whizzy charts from Dion Hinchcliffe in Flickr





How best to use social networking in an intranet









How viral is your social network?







Dion Hinchcliffe design social business capability







Dion Hinchliffe social enterprise workforce engagement







Dion Hinchcliffe key social business trend







Dion Hinchcliffe Attributes of Modern Communication and collaboration methods






Dion Hinchcliffe Social Business Ecosystem Chart




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Design Museum

H800: 34 Whereso art though, Webeo 4.0 ?

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Saturday, 27 Aug 2011, 20:49

For an H800 WK 5 activity I'm contemplating the transition from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0.

Meanwhile I'm reading a book that wants to move me on from Web 3.0 to Web 4.0.



Is this akin to the Neanderthal form of teaching that was Modern History at Oxford, ending I think around 1702. My daughter is styding Modern History and takes in the Second World War - this feels like yesterday (though my parents were children during that war).

Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 is starting to feel ancient.

Web 3.0 is where it's happening.

Web 4.0 is where it's going ... until and only if we coin a different term to trump it.

Never has my head hurt so much, I feel like all the Dr Who's in one ... a person from each era contained in the same being, loyal to each, while desperate to be embraced by the latest think, very conscious that the religion of tomorrow is of more value that the beliefs of the distant past of ... well twenty years ago.


Dion Hinchliffe does it this way:''


I'm uncertain which or what analogy to use, but if you are studying 'innovations in e-learning' how can what is going on right now not be far more relevant to the thinking of a decade ago, let alone a few years ago?

It's as if this is 1911 and we're style unsure (as they were) if heavy-than-air machines would get off the ground. H.G.Wells had his heroes in dirigibles.


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Design Museum

H807 Innovations in E-Learning

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Friday, 28 Sept 2012, 12:43

Were I back on the H807 Merry-go-round, I'd love to do the Innovations in E-Learning module over again ... indeed, given the pace of change maybe a three year refresher is required.

I'd have loved some of this:


And this:



And this:



Which was my third e-book purchase.

I have read it, highlighted it, reviewed it, shared notes via Facebook on it as I went along and will blog about it at length in due course. And Twitter this, and that. And respond to comments.

Most important of all, I am acting on this books advice which means I now have feed from Google Alerts, and Technorati amongst many other suggestions on how someone who feel they have a voice can find like minds.



Is looking at this better than reading the chapter around it?

Best of all is to share it and discuss with those who know better, or want to know better. My opinion is your opinion put through the kitchen-blender.

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