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Richard Walker

The Ten Foot Square Hut

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I am in self isolation now for some weeks at least and this is day three. It is an interesting and different experience.

It made me think of one of my favourite books, Hojoki, written in 1212 by the Japanese poet and Buddhist monk Kamo Chomei. After witnessing many disasters such as fires, famines and earthquakes, and suffering personal setbacks at court, he retired to the mountains and lived a simple, largely solitary, and reflective existence, in a hut he constructed for himself, spending much of his time contemplating the impermanence of all things.

The translator of the Penguin edition I own, Meredith McKinney, reconstructed the plan of the hut from Kamo’s description, see the lovely illustration below


Brittanica has a good short entry about Kamo, see 


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Richard Walker

Don't Panic!

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Richard Walker

New App

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 19 Mar 2020, 01:15

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Richard Walker


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Richard Walker

One Liner

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I once had a job in a soup factory. That’s gruelling work.

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Richard Walker

Natural History

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Richard Walker

Laughter is the best medicine

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I was telling jokes in the sewing circle tonight. Well I had them in stitches!

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Richard Walker

Beauty Treatment

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Hoping to improve my complexion I bought a mud pack over the internet. Sadly, when it arrived it had passed its ooze by date.

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Richard Walker

Weather Report

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Tom noticed the weather outside had turned chilli

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Richard Walker

The First Violets

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Edited by Richard Walker, Saturday, 7 Mar 2020, 13:22

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Richard Walker

Touché Nietzsche!

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I was amused by this, from Deborah Ross, ‘Remember: what doesn’t kill you makes you whinier’.
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Richard Walker

Playground Riddle

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I heard this and it made me smile.

Why do Firemen wear red braces?

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Richard Walker

A Heavy Smoker, and No Mistake

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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My friend was rushed to hospital after being kicked by a horse. Luckily his condition is stable.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Had an argument with a sea god. He’d better not Triton with me.

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Richard Walker

The word pun

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I looked 'pun' up in the Oxford English Dictionary and found this rather nice quotation from Addison, writing in the Spectator

Having pursued the History of a Punn,..I shall here define it to be a Conceit arising from the use of two Words that agree in the Sound, but differ in the Sense.

You can read the whole article from 1711 here.

I didn't find what I was looking for though. The OED says the word is 'Of uncertain origin'.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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I tried this lovely Mexican drink. It’s to tequila for.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Some peasants mocked my smart Parisian clothes. But I just turned the other chic.

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Richard Walker

No Title

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Richard Walker

Tim's Career In Peril

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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Tuesday, 25 Feb 2020, 10:12

What is square and cool at the same time?

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Richard Walker

Tom’s Adventure

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Richard Walker

Plum Blossom

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Richard Walker

Tim Laughed It Off

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Richard Walker

Plum Blossom Haiku

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Tomorrow I'll photograph

The plum blossom

As proof I've lived another year.

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