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Richard Walker

Quote of the day

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"The only way to treat the common cold is with contempt."

William Osler 1849 – 1919

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Richard Walker


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I love emojis. Tonight I was looking for a ghost emoji. Sure enough there is one. But that got me thinking: is there an emoji for emoji? If so, what could it look like?

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Richard Walker

I forgot to say

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I forgot to say.

When we had that row, i






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Richard Walker

One Liner

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I bought a Stradivarius on eBay but it turned out to be fake. What a fiddle that was.

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Richard Walker

Down The Pub

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Tonight I was chatting to a group of people who plant crops. Apparently they’ve been sponsored for a seed drilling competition, and so they can sell their services at an usually low price. If they win they’ll be awarded a prestigious medal.

As one of them put it, “We’re sowing for a gong.”

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Richard Walker

I bought a painting

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Sunset over Walcott

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Loneliness is the worst thing in the world. Am I the only one that thinks that?

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Richard Walker

News from Nth Pole

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Just 79 days to Xmas!

The Elves are working hard to keep the production line of Cracker Mottoes flowing. QA picked out this sample for us

“Q. Why is a chicken like an onion skin?

 A.  Because both are layers!”

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Richard Walker

A Reply

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I have a place on the Chungnan slopes.

Sitting there you can see the Mountains.

No one there, no guests, the gate is closed.

No plans all day, just time and silence.

Nothing stops you gazing and dreaming.

Why not come and try to find me there?

Wang Wei (699-759 AD)

Trans. A. S. Kline and reproduced with permission, see


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Richard Walker

Hamlet's Pencil Dilemma

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 3 Oct 2019, 22:41

I couldn't choose the right pencil. 2B or not 2B?

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Richard Walker

Step 2

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Nothing. Always easy. After that it gets harder.

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Richard Walker

Love Letter

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I’d need lots of work


Teeth for a start. Might even go to dentures, could you bear that

Some skin flaps to rid of

But there’s a nice little shop that does this

And it’s only round the


Toenails, well podiatrist. Also local. That’s good and

I could have some attention 

From a barber/hairdresser because there is a certain unkemptness about me, this I know.

And then

I might look quite presentable 

Would you marry




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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Edited by Richard Walker, Wednesday, 2 Oct 2019, 00:32

I had a job as a human cannonball. But they fired me.

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Richard Walker


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Richard Walker

A frog problem

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I didn't make this problem up, I found it on the Numberphile Youtube channel, but it was new to me and I thought it was interesting. 

A frog is on the left-hand bank of a river. In the river are 10 stepping stones as shown.

The frog crosses the river, always moving to the right, by random hops. At each hop it chooses which of the remaining stones it will hop to at random, with equal probability for each remaining stone.

What is the expected number, i.e. the average number, of hops it will make before reaching the other bank?

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Richard Walker

Tim and his onions

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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When clockmakers reach the end of their career, they can't just retire. They need to wind down gradually.

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Richard Walker

A Haiku

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Knowing you.

An impossible dream.

That’s why I keep pinching myself.

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Richard Walker

John's World

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Edited by Richard Walker, Wednesday, 25 Sep 2019, 12:09

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Richard Walker

Crossword clue

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Head over heels yet no evil? (5, 2, 4)

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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Wednesday, 18 Sep 2019, 10:01

Q. How do the Alligators pick a new leader?

A. They call a snap election.

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Richard Walker

One liner

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I've said it once and I'll say it again. I never do encores.

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Richard Walker

‘Tis better to have loved and lost’

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Edited by Richard Walker, Tuesday, 17 Sep 2019, 01:13

'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

This is from Tennyson, In Memoriam, and for most of my life I assumed it referred to some sort of triangle, with the writer ending up as the loser in love. But I think in fact the rival was not a person but Death, who claimed someone who was a dear friend.

I don’t always like Tennyson’s poetry, but this couplet shows he was sometimes a genius, and this saying resonates with all love, everywhere, and for all time.

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Richard Walker

Crossword clue

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Ligrl? (5,5)

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Richard Walker

To sleep, perchance to dream...

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