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Richard Walker

One Liner

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I read this article that said we all sleep too much. Snooze to me.

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Richard Walker

Xma Cracker Joke

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One of our team of highly talented Elves recently composed this rib-tickling Motto.

Q. What do you call imitation Wildebeest?

A. Fake Gnus!

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Richard Walker

I just called...

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Richard Walker

Tim's Expression

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Richard Walker

Spontaneous Tongue Twister

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Edited by Richard Walker, Monday, 25 Nov 2019, 19:57

Heard tonight down the pub...

Big black bin bag

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Richard Walker

Troxler Fading

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Here's an optical effect that I've always found interesting. Consider the picture below. You see a central cross set against a blurry background pattern of pastel colours.

Focus on the cross. Do not let your eyes wander, however tempting it is to do so. It may take up to 30 seconds but then you will probably see the background dissolve and only the central cross stay visible.

If you let your eyes move, the background springs back into view.

If you don’t notice any fading, focus a bit longer on the cross, and also try closing one eye, or unfocussing, while still fixating on the cross. Varying the distance from the screen, or enlarging the image, may also help.

This effect is Troxler fading (sometimes Cheshire cat illusion). It was described first in 1804 by this pioneer of ophthalmology.

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Richard Walker


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In end you can’t hold on

The glass will fall

And shatter.

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Richard Walker

Spot the novel

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Q. What novel contains the lines “It is a fur, fur better thing that I do now”?

A. A tail of two kitties.

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Richard Walker

Playground Joke Alert 🚨

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 21 Nov 2019, 17:39

Q. What do cats have for breakfast?

A. Purridge!

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 21 Nov 2019, 00:27

I was wondering why my footwear kept ordering me about. Turns out they're bossy boots.

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Richard Walker

Playground Joke Alert 🚨

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Q. What do cats have for dessert?

A. Mousse.

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Richard Walker

Suddenly The Worm Turned

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Richard Walker

A Good Year For Fungi

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It's a good year for fungi. Here's a little gallery of photos my brother Simon took a few days ago.

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Richard Walker

Please Nag Me

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id love to marry you

and be nagged

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Richard Walker

Autume Recedes Into Winter

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Richard Walker

Why Did The Chicken 🐓

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Edited by Richard Walker, Monday, 11 Nov 2019, 00:00

Q. Why did the chicken cross the library?  

A. Book book book.

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Richard Walker


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Richard Walker

A Conundrum

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This is the opening of a book. What is unusual about this passage?

Today, by radio, and also on giant hoardings, a rabbi, an admiral notorious for his links to Masonry, a trio of cardinals, a trio, too, of insignificant politicians (bought and paid for by a rich and corrupt Anglo-Canadian banking corporation), inform us all of how our country now risks dying of starvation.

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Richard Walker

Playground Joke

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Q. Where did the Golden Fleece come from?

A. Gold baas!

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Richard Walker

New Venture

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I opened a shop selling pet snails. But business was very slow.

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Richard Walker

New Venture

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I started a company selling deckchairs. But it soon folded.

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Richard Walker

News Headline

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Richard Walker

The Salley Gardens

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I've been fond of this poem by W. B. Yeats for many years now.

Down by the salley gardens
   my love and I did meet;
She passed the salley gardens
   with little snow-white feet.
She bid me take love easy,
   as the leaves grow on the tree;
But I, being young and foolish,
   with her would not agree.

In a field by the river
   my love and I did stand,
And on my leaning shoulder
   she laid her snow-white hand.
She bid me take life easy,
   as the grass grows on the weirs;
But I was young and foolish,
   and now am full of tears.

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Richard Walker


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Richard Walker

1932 Picture Puzzle

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Under my floorboards I found a newspaper (the Mirror) from 1932, with a picture puzzle. Too late to enter for the prize, but you might like to have a go anyway!

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