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Richard Walker

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Edited by Richard Walker, Friday, 23 Aug 2019, 01:51
If there was a trend for the word ‘pail’..., hmm, would we be able to buck it?
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Richard Walker

One Liner

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 Fleece-lined cool bags? No thanks. They’re just pulling the wool over our ice.
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Richard Walker

The Great Escape, or Subjectivity

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Luckily Schrödinger’s cat was a creative animal and could think outside the box.

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Richard Walker

Fourier Analysis

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Fourier analysis, named after Joseph Fourier (1768 - 1830), is a branch of mathematics of huge importance in modern technology.

A little-known fact is that Fourier once had a short-term position at a Cambridge college, where he was very highly regarded. When he came to leave the college all the other dons gathered and sang “Fourier’s a jolly good fellow!”

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Richard Walker

Tom Swifty

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“This oil is unrefined”, said Tom ———-

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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People said baking was difficult. But it turned out a piece of cake.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Edited by Richard Walker, Wednesday, 21 Aug 2019, 23:52

There's a company that says their brooms are the best in the universe. That's a sweeping claim.

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Richard Walker

Cheese Joke

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Q. What kind of cheese weighs a thousand kilos and never moves?

A. The still ton.

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Richard Walker


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We two would still have loved

Even if the universe did not exist.

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Richard Walker

Switched-on Tom

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Richard Walker

Family Pet

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We had to let our Hadrosaur go in the end; we couldn't afford it. The bill just went through the roof.

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Richard Walker

New blog post

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I just watched this talk where the speaker said we can't deal with uncertainty. I wasn’t sure he was right.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Apparently academics aren’t allowed in anywhere on 26 August. It’s a ‘ban scholar’ day.

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Richard Walker

Tom Swifty

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Edited by Richard Walker, Monday, 12 Aug 2019, 01:05

“I adore timber-framed houses”, Tom ———

Drill down for the answer



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Richard Walker

One Liner

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People keep trying to sell me hearing aids. But I'm not listening.

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Richard Walker

From Good News Education

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What shall it profit a person, if they understand a thing, but cannot explain it to the world?

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Richard Walker

Rodez Cathedral Lights

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I was stunned by these pictures of Miguel Chevalier’s light art at Rodez Cathedral


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Richard Walker

The Little Rose, A Poem

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The rose whispered to me

Can you not see that I am dying?

No I replied

All roses live forever

Little rose you can carry us both

And to wherever we want

Because love is a miraculous vehicle.

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Richard Walker

The last roses

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petals still hang


soon it’s 


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Richard Walker


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As I clambered up the rail
I met a man who looked quite pale
I missed his presence there today.
I hope he hasn’t gone away.
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Richard Walker

From our cheese correspondent

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Behind every great cheese there stands a grater. However, for a smooth cheese surface, you need an even grater.

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Richard Walker

From Our Opera Correspondent

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Edited by Richard Walker, Wednesday, 7 Aug 2019, 00:17

In an unfortunate episode earlier this evening, the first performance of Herr Wagner’s opera, The Flying Dutchman, about a spectral sea vessel, was abandoned at the last minute.

The cause was the stage instructions, which although spoken with the utmost clarity by Herr Wagner as ‘Ghost ship’, must have been misheard for some reason.

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Richard Walker

Too much of a good thing?

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Richard Walker

Uncle Ebenezer

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Edited by Richard Walker, Friday, 2 Aug 2019, 22:27

Uncle E. is a parfumier.

He has a trained nose, that does whatever he tells it.

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Richard Walker

Politeness Costs Nothing

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