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Richard Walker

"From Where We Stand"

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Richard Walker

Margaret Hamilton

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I was very interested to read this article


Hamilton was one of the earliest software engineers and her software played a crucial part in the Apollo moon missions. It is a fascinating story.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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My latest artwork is constructed entirely from root vegetables. It’s been nominated for the Turnip prize.

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Richard Walker

Looking Back

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Long ago I knew someone who had been a seamstress at the court of Queen Victoria. So I knew someone who knew someone born in 1819. Isn’t that amazing?

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Richard Walker

Dear Auntie

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Q. I like this girl, but she doesn’t like me back. What should I do?

A. Suggest get new back.

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Richard Walker

On The Verge

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 11 July 2019, 22:41

This familiar flower of waysides and disturbed ground is Common Mallow. The Mallow family includes many familiar garden plants, such as Hollyhocks, Lavatera, and Hibiscus.

The flower is always the key to recognising what family a flowering plant belongs to, and if you know these plants you may be able to see the resemblance to Mallow.

Also in the family is Marshmallow, a plant whose roots were historically made into a confection. Modern marshmallows are only connected by the name.

Surprisingly this plant family also features cotton and cacao = chocolate, and is thus of huge ecomonic importance.

'Mallow' is from Latin Malva and I think the plant has a similar name in most European languages. Modern Greek seems to be Μολόχα, Molócha, and some scholars have suggested the altered form could have been influenced by the Ancient Greek for 'soft'. Did this link to the marshmallow, a soft root, or even to cotton, already known in ancient times, as I understand it?

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Richard Walker

A Fishy Tale

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I bought a kipper in a bag and the label said, "Caught in the wild".

But I didn't know there were any kippers in the wild. Is this just a red herring?

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Richard Walker

The Wise Abbess

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The Pupils ask many times, “How can we be brave?”

The Abbess always replies three-wisely

“Accept doubt. Face infinitude. Embrace eternity.”

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Richard Walker

Playground Joke

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Q. What do you call an ant that stays awake all night?

A. Vigilant.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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I didn't like working in origami. Too much paperwork.

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Richard Walker

Noah and the Dove

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Noah: What's that prickly stuff?

Dove: It's a holly branch. Isn't that what you asked for?

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Have you heard any origami jokes? They really crease you up.

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Richard Walker


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Richard Walker

It was the best of drinks, it was the worst of drinks

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 4 July 2019, 23:16

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Richard Walker

Xmas Cracker Joke

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Here at NPHQ we are already readying oureleves for Xmas 2019 and preparing a BIG stock of mottoes to be distributed to cracker factories world-wide. One of our talented employees has come up with this one (motto, not factory).

Q. How do you encourage a carpenter?

A. You say "Keep up the wood work!".

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Richard Walker


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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Really I wanted to be a lumberjack when I was young. But I just couldn't hack it.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Really I wanted to be a comedian when I was young. But I was too shy.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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I was going to explain String Theory. But how long have I got?

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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Monday, 1 July 2019, 03:17

Thinking of tomorrow

Shows the futility of past deeds.

Don't go looking for meaning.

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Richard Walker

Limerick 🥣

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There was an old fellow of Norwich
Who said, I’d encourich,
You to start every day,
In a nutritious way,
With a lovely big bowl of hot porrich.
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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Jazz fans. Are they cool?

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Richard Walker

Less Than A Haiku

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 27 June 2019, 01:46

Other people.

A place to hide your loneliness.

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Richard Walker

Crossword Clue

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Edited by Richard Walker, Wednesday, 26 June 2019, 22:01

Disease, an unlikely event heard in the past? (5, 3)

Scroll down for solution.

Swine flu

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Richard Walker

True Statement

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I've never met a dragon I didn't like.

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