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Jim McCrory

In some mysterious way, the universe was expecting us

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Saturday, 5 Oct 2024, 09:33


In some mysterious way, the universe was expecting us.


The universe, vast and incomprehensible in its scale, seems almost inexplicably fine-tuned for life. From the delicate balance of gravitational forces to the exact properties of atoms, the conditions that permit life are staggeringly precise. But what compels the universe to produce the components perfect for life?

Consider the concept of fine-tuning in cosmology. The universe operates within a narrow range of physical constants that allow for the existence of life as we know it. One such constant is the gravitational constant (G), which governs the force of attraction between masses. The number "N," approximately 10^36, describes the ratio of the strength of gravity to the electromagnetic force between atoms. If this number were even slightly smaller or larger, the universe would either collapse under its own gravity or expand too rapidly for stars and galaxies to form. Without these structures, life would not exist. The fine-tuning is so precise that any deviation in this gravitational force would render the universe inhospitable.

Now, consider Planck's constant (h), which dictates the behaviour of particles on the quantum level. Even a minuscule variation in this constant would radically alter the behaviour of atoms and molecules, potentially preventing the stable formation of matter itself. Likewise, if the speed of light (c) were altered, the balance between energy and matter would shift, destabilizing the processes that allow stars to burn and planets to form. These constants are not arbitrary; they fall within an incredibly narrow range, and any fluctuation would make the existence of complex life impossible.

Then there are you and I. The human body, composed of trillions of cells, relies on molecular and atomic interactions so complex that they defy chance explanation. What compels the molecules within us to assemble into intricate structures like the eye, the brain, or the nervous system? Evolutionary biology provides part of the answer, but even within that framework, we are left in awe of the staggering complexity. Consider the formation of the human eye—a process that requires the precise coordination of proteins, enzymes, and DNA to form a functioning organ capable of receiving and processing light. The probability of these processes arising by pure chance is astronomically low.

Moreover, we must consider not only the physical structures but also the phenomenon of consciousness. What compels our brains to produce minds capable of self-reflection, language, and abstract thought? No other creature on Earth possesses the capacity for moral reasoning, artistic expression, or the ability to contemplate its own existence. Neuroscience has begun to unravel the biological mechanisms behind consciousness, yet the "hard problem"—why we have subjective experiences at all—remains elusive. Why do we admire flowers, landscapes, and beauty? Why can we learn any language from birth? These abilities suggest that there is something more than mere survival at work. It all makes little sense unless someone—or something—knew we were coming.

This leads us back to an age-old question: why does the universe exist in such a way that life, and particularly human life, is possible? While science can describe how the universe operates, it struggles to answer why these conditions exist in the first place. The remarkable precision of these constants, coupled with the emergence of intelligent life, suggests purpose, a design, or at the very least, a deep mystery.


Consider the words of an ancient shepherd boy, contemplating the heavens thousands of years ago:

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have ordained, what is man, that you think of him? What is the son of man, that you care for him?" —

 Psalm 8:3,4

The Psalmist's awe reflects our own modern wonder. In an era where science has revealed the vastness of the universe and the delicate balance that sustains life, we are still left grappling with the same fundamental questions. The cosmos does not need to be this finely tuned, yet here we are, marvelling at its beauty and complexity. Perhaps, as the Psalmist suggests, we are more than accidental by-products of the universe. Perhaps we are here because the universe was, in some mysterious way, expecting us.


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Jim McCrory

If There's a God, Then Why Poverty, Suffering and Pain?

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And I heard a great voice, coming from the throne.

A Voice: See, the home of God is with His people.

    He will live among them;

    They will be His people,

    And God Himself will be with them.

     The prophecies are fulfilled:

    He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.[a

    Death will be no more;

    Mourning no more, crying no more, pain no more,

    For the first things have gone away.

Revelation 21:3,4.

The Voice Bible


Some days, I feel like an ant lying in a red wheelbarrow inside a green garden shed, pondering the universe with existential angst. Inside that wheelbarrow, my world is small and confined. Yet, beyond the wheelbarrow, another world exists, and outside the shed, an even greater world awaits. Just as the ant's mind has its limits, so do we as humans, limited in our understanding of the vastness around us.

This brings us to the profound question: Why does God allow suffering? It's an age-old question that challenges our faith and our comprehension. But perhaps a simple story can help us reflect.

One spring, a robin tirelessly built her nest, carefully gathering straw to create a safe home for her future family. Each evening, the farmer would come and knock the nest down. The robin, persistent, would begin again the next day. This continued for several days, until the robin finally sought a new place to build her nest. Shortly after, a storm arrived, felling the very tree where she had been trying to build. The farmer, knowing the tree was diseased and that the storm was coming, was protecting the robin from greater harm by encouraging her to find safer ground.

Sometimes, like the robin, we may not understand why things fall apart. But there is often a purpose we cannot see. Many people turn away from God when faced with suffering, unable to comprehend the reasons behind it. Yet, God's wisdom is greater than ours, and His reasons often lie beyond our immediate grasp.

The Bible speaks to this in Romans 8:18-25, where we are reminded that the suffering of this present time cannot compare to the glory that awaits us. God allows suffering, but He also promises deliverance. He knows the pain we endure, and He calls us to patience and trust in His greater plan. 

Imagine you had the means to create a perfect paradise—an island with beautiful houses, rivers, gardens, and abundant wildlife. What could spoil such a paradise? Human choices. To maintain the peace and harmony of your creation, you would carefully observe those who inhabit it, seeking those who appreciate your gift and respect the laws necessary for its preservation.

In Genesis, God gave humanity free will—a gift that carries immense responsibility. We have the freedom to choose good or evil, but our choices affect not just ourselves, but others as well. In His wisdom, God observes how we use this freedom, shaping a future where those who live with love, loyalty, and respect for His creation will inherit His paradise.

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9).

Suffering, then, is not meaningless. It reveals the true nature of our hearts, testing our character in ways that comfort never could. In Luke 23:39-44, one of the criminals crucified alongside Jesus mocked Him, while the other recognized His innocence and asked to be remembered in His kingdom. Jesus, seeing the heart of the second man, assured him of his place in paradise. 

God is preparing those with loyal hearts to inherit the paradise He has promised. Though we may not always understand why suffering is permitted, we are called to trust in the One who sees the bigger picture, guiding us toward a future free of pain and filled with glory.

Revelation Scripture taken from The Voice™. Copyright © 2012 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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