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Jim McCrory

Design, or the impression of design? You may reconsider

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Saturday, 21 Sept 2024, 18:56

The works of the Eternal are many and wondrous!
    They are examined by all who delight in them.

Psalm 111:2 ( Voice)

 Image by https://unsplash.com/@microsoft365

When we talk about whether life is "designed" or just gives the "impression*" of being designed, they’re really trying to unpack some deep questions about the nature of existence. From my pro- creation perspective, which is the belief that there’s an a purposeful Creator behind everything, the argument goes like this: the world isn’t just randomly stitched together—it’s filled with purpose and intention. That purpose comes from God, who designed everything with a specific order in mind.


Alternatively, we are faced with the position of New Atheism addressed by Richard Dawkins, who famously argues that while life looks designed, it’s not. He’d say that what we’re seeing—whether it’s the complexity of DNA, the balance of ecosystems, or even the fine-tuning of the universe—can all be explained by natural processes like evolution. In other words, life only gives the "impression" of design because evolution has honed things over billions of years.


So, where do you stand? Real design or just the illusion of design?


From a Christian standpoint, people would argue that the complexity and beauty we see in the world is too intricate to be chalked up to chance. Take DNA for example—it’s like a complex code with specific instructions for life. Sure, you could say evolution shaped that, but does it really seem likely that something so precise just happened by accident? For someone who believes in a Creator, that’s evidence of real design, not just an appearance. Consider, the following overwhelming evidence.

As you watch the following video you will observe that  It’s a rich topic for reflection, and really one that invites a deeper dive. Perhaps an epiphany if you have never realised what happens in the nano world.


 It’s a rich topic for reflection, and really one that invites a deeper dive. When you're watching the video, think about what is being presented and illustrated—does life look designed because it is, or does it just look that way because of how it evolved?

At the end of the day, it comes down to how you interpret the evidence. The question of design versus the appearance of design isn't just about science; it’s about worldview. If you believe in a Creator, then the order and purpose you see in nature are reflections of that design. If you don’t, you’ll probably see those same things as the product of natural processes, no designer required. 

Scripture taken from The Voice™. Copyright © 2012 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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