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Richard Tod

Preparations to study with the OU

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Edited by Richard Tod, Monday, 10 Oct 2016, 08:51

I am now ready to start my 'Open University' studies.

My Study, come bedroom, come gym is set up.  On one end of the room is a large leather sofa bed.  I use the sofa when reading and the bed for guests. 

I have sciatica and I have lost the feeling to parts of my foot recently so am keen to make sure I do as much as possible to stop it getting worse.  I also have high cholesterol so lots of sweaty heart pumping exercise is, I am reliably informed, the best defence against stroke or heart attack.  The gym is therefore a major part of the study layout.

The gym consists of an exercise bike on which I sit and peddle nowhere whilst watching programmes on the computer or listening to podcasts.  I have one of those large rubber balls for back and stomach exercise which normally lives under the desk and doubles as a foot rest.   In the corner of the room I have some barbells for upper body workouts.  My 'Ikea' desk is small and really a table but big enough to hold my laptop, keyboard and a linked large screen.  I use both screens.  One to read the other to take notes.  Beside the sofa there is an 'Ikea' bookcase overflowing with a large selection of books and more piled against the wall to the side of it.

There are two windows in my study and I look out over my street which is a main walking route from my estate to the town centre.  Even so, it is normally quiet and empty.  The study is south facing and when the sun shines I have to close the curtain on the window by the desk.  This does not happen too often in the UK.

My planned routine is to rise about 07:00 make a light breakfast and have an hour exercise.  Then shower and dress.  Afterwards it is time to check emails and any updates on the OU Forums, responding where necessary.  The next two hours or so I devote to study.

All this seems ideal, but I do have to find a part time job to enhance my pension so my routine will probably change if I find one.

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Richard Tod


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I have not used the Blog much at all doing AA100 but then I was traveling much of the time and busy being a retired 'gentleman' of the road. I may use it a bit more for this course, we shall see.

Although I am a bit shy of working with others, having always been a bit of a loner, the people on the forums are quite pleasant and friendly.  I do believe that Life starts at the edge of your comfort zone so let’s just see how it all happens.

Still recovering from the death of my wife after our 48 years together (42 married) I am find it difficult to focus on the studies.  However, I do find the exercise therapeutic.  Having no one to attend to after 5 years is a bit weird.  It was first my father and mother, Dad with Parkinson’s and Mum Dementia then latterly my wife Nancy who had cancer.  Dad died in December 2014 and my Mum went into a Care Home.  Nancy died in April 2016 but we did manage to travel to Australia and then around the UK before during 2015 and into January 2016.  You would never have known Nancy was ill for most of the time.  She was a very strong character and much loved by everyone.  450 people came to her funeral.

My two daughter are finding it difficult without their Mum but both work hard and I am sure they will eventually get used to the new normality.  Wendy, my oldest is married and lives close by.  Lynsey my youngest works for a prominent MP and lives in London. 

Politics are a big thing in my family and I tend to rant on Facebook at times.  I do however have friends from all the different wings of politics (apart from the extreme idiots on both wings) and I don’t let politics get in the way of a good friendship.

I did not intend to write a biography here but it happened so I will not delete it.  At least you know a little bit more about me.  I suppose more will come out over the weeks. 

Please, if you do read this make some comments and perhaps a link to your blog if you have one.

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