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All quiet - fingers crossed

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Edited by Isobel Falconer, Wednesday, 17 Feb 2010, 14:14

After a frantic day on Friday, ironing out glitches with the new AL representation website as it went live, things have quietened down, and all is going smoothly - fingers crossed.

Nominations for the Assembly open today. I've spent my spare time in the last several days drafting nomination forms, clear (I hope) guides to the election process, encouraging letters, etc, etc, as well as working through the implications for region/nation committees and what they do now.

In between I've been for a gruelling walk along the Fife coast (lots of cormorants, eider ducks, oyster catchers), to clear my head, and frantically trying to write an overdue paper on learning design that I've promised for a journal - oh yes, and planning A825 day school activities.

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