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may I say that as well as the furore over Murdoch there is also the surprising resignation of Sir Howard Davies. When you consider that the LSE is the London School of Economics, and accordingly one would have expected that the world respected LSE would produce great economists.

However, is it any wonder if we produce such well respected economists, that somehow the economists never saw the 'Great Crash' actually coming. Same with the accountants, who signed off the accounts of the wonderful banks. How is it that the banks were run by bankers who were not actually 'bankers' they had no qualifications in banking. How is that the expert economists never saw the crash coming, and the accountants who were so well trained that they signed off the accounts.

So, whilst the media is distracted by events in the middle east, and the Murdoch empire, then when will there be an inquiry into how well educated our people are, yet they do not seem to be very well trained at all. 

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