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Clare Wood

Wow It's been too long!

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Ooops! I've been so absorbed in DB123 that I've forgotten to update this!

This course is going really well - done 2 of the 3 TMAs and got good marks on them both smile

In the time that's passed since my last post a lot has changed/happened. I PASSED B120!! Which meant I couldn't keep the grin off my face for about a week! In other news I've registered for my next course - just waiting for the financial support to be sorted, - it's T215 Communication and Information Technologies!

I've also applied for Disabled Students Allowance which I keep being sent forms for because I might be eligible but up until now haven't thought I needed it! Unfortunately I'm going through a dip in my health so I'm sturggling to concentrate for long periods and holding a pen, using a knife and fork, making hot drinks as well as typing and much more is a real struggle at the moment! Because of this dip in my health I've also had to ask my parents to look into getting a shower stool or put grab rails in as I'm getting dizzy and unsteady on my feet quite frquently!

I think that's you up to date with the goings on over the past few months! I must try and remember to post on here more regularly but what with typing being difficult at times and my memory being really quite like a sieve it doesn't exactly go to plan!

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Clare Wood


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Finally finished and submitted my EMA for B120 at 04:26 on April 12th! And I was only adding the word count then because I couldn't sleep! Had a very bad night that night only got about 2 hours sleep in all!

However since then I've been sleeping better and on Friday (13th) I actually managed to walk from home to the market in the city centre and back again! First time I've managed that since Oct/Nov time! I'm soo proud of myself! This also meant I was able to spend my christmas vouchers in a nearby shop!

This weekend I've been helping my father to start insulating another wall of the house! Fingers crossed next winter the heating bills won't be as high because of all the work we'll have done!

Sorry it's been so long since I've written, but I've either been very tired or busy!

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Clare Wood

New blog post

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Well today I'm feeling better than I was yesterday! smile I've still got a bit of earache and I'm still very tired but my head is a lot clearer.

I've spent most of today out in the garden, doing my EMA for B120. I've got Q1 and Q5 done they just need typing up and I've started Q4 today. (We only have to do 3 questions, 1 and 5 are compulsory and we pick between 2,3 and 4).

The sunshine and warmth is helping my joints, as it always does - cold and damp weather make they painful and stiff.

I've started having muller vitality today, I was taking multivitamins but I was getting too much vitamin a so I had to stop. However I still need something to help boost my immune system as Myalgic Encephaolomyelitis (M.E.) weakens it. So I thought I'd try something in yogurt form!

Lets hope this weather lasts!

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Clare Wood

Feeling a Little Low...So I've decided to start a Blog!

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Edited by Clare Wood, Saturday, 24 Mar 2012, 11:28

Hi Everyone,

I've been feeling very down recently, thanks to a bad winter where I've had virus after virus on top of my existing illness (M.E.)

So I've decided to cheer myself up I would start a blog, in the hope that it's a place where I can vent my frustrations, share my achievements and generally talk to everyone without using as much energy!

I seem to have very little energy to go around at the moment!

I'm currently studying B120 An Introduction To Business Studies (Nov 2011) and had intended to attend all 3 dayschools but so far have failed to attend any! There's one tomorrow which I really hope I will manage to attend, but my M.E. has got worse this winter, so I'm now struggling to hold pens, keep books open etc.

I've yet to apply for DSA as when I started studying it didn't seem necessary, however I'm now looking into applying for it as I keep being sent the forms by OU.

I've now got my course materials in comb bound format and I'm looking at getting pen grips.


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