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Clare Wood

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Feeling pretty sorry for myself at the moment as all my joints/muscle pains have flared up again and I'm back to being on the strong painkillers! I've even resorted to wearing tubular bandages on my wrists to help support the muscles as I write/type etc.

I'm even finding holding a cup of drink a struggle! sad It just seems to weigh too much for my wrist to take at the moment - sometimes I'm picking up a cup of drink and have it 5cm off the tabletop then it's like my wrist just gives way and the cup is back on the table!

Not to worry, at least I'm managing my studies & not as bad as I have been in the past plus it could be worse!

On a more positive note I have my assessment for DSA on Monday which I hope will go well & they'll be able to get me some equipment to help! thoughtful

Right now though I feel shattered despite sleeping reasonably well last night for around 9-10 hours! Perhaps my M.E. is actually worse than I think it is! surprise

So I'm off to doze through whatever I put on on the tv in the background! sleepy

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Clare Wood, Thursday, 9 Aug 2012, 12:42)
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