OU blog

Personal Blogs

This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 17 reflecting Block 2 (week 16 actually)

Visible to anyone in the world

One of the tasks in week 16 was to reflect on Blogging. Blogging is not new to me, I have a cycling log which I maintain mainly for my family back home and post scenery pictures of nice MTB trails.

I use a blog for my class as well, its purpose is to show parents what we do on day trips and school trips. Children write a short commentary and then have to post a picture, or two, with it.

I found a very nice blog set up by a teacher in Schotland. Short messages put up by students of what they are doing in school with some nice pictures:

Another interesting blog but more for me as a teacher is this one:
A nice approach of teaching mathematics.

There are a huge amount of Blogs on the Net, it is difficult to see the wood for the trees. There are some interesting websites which help you to refine your search.

Happy Blogging and studying!


Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Vikki Sargent, Tuesday, 9 June 2009, 09:28)
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