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Brown at Chilcot

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is it no surprise that our finances are in such a terrible state. Now Brown is saying at Chilcot that he would spend any money necessary to fund any action against Iraq. So, was the money spent, and if we did not go to war in Iraq, then the money would have been wasted. The investment in the military would not have been worth it.

The finances were surely needed in Afghanistan, which was still active, and focus was on diplomacy, not on preparation for war.

Brown did not see the letters written to Bush, by Blair, we in the trasury had to take account of the possibility of war, costing the war, so where was the money coming from. A diplomatic solution, which would prevent war, yet he was spending for war, what if the war had not taken place. Just like the economy, there were no plans for a crash, they  just didn't see it coming.

Sufficient resources were to be made available, it is no wonder that the pound is taking a pounding.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Bob Nobes, Friday, 5 Mar 2010, 13:44)
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