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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Caste Study 4: Documenting student learning in outcomes-based education

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Case Study 4 is here
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Case Study 3: Technology Enabled Active Learning (TEAL): Studio Physics at MIT

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Case Study 3 is here
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Caste Study 2: Dr. Schlegel: Seeing Student Thinking and Building a Space for Collaborative Faculty

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Case Study 2 is here.
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 6: 6.2 Case studies from the Carnegie Gallery of Teaching & Learning

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We have decided to split the list. I'll be looking at the following cases. I will post comments in my blog and the forum.

Going Public with Teacher Education Practice

Goldman-Carnegie Quest Project

The Quest project facilitated the creation of multimedia websites by accomplished K-12 teachers. These sites, which connected teaching theory and practice, were used to help 20 teacher educators in their pre-service classrooms.

Created: 2007-01-07

Seeing Student Thinking and Building a Space for Collaborative Faculty Curriculum Development

Whitney Schlegel

Whitney Schlegel uses case-based teaching to engage students and allow for uncertainty to be a part of the science classroom.

Created: 2006-06-01

Transferring knowledge and experience in innovative educational transformation

John Belcher

A professor documents his transformation of a large introductory physics course from a traditional lecture hall format to a student-centered active learning space.

Created: 2005-01-01

Documenting student learning in outcomes-based education

John Ittelson

Senior students in the School of Information Technology and Communications Design create individual learning portfolios that represent the skills and knowledge required to fulfill their outcomes-based education.

Created: 2005-01-01

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