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Turn Up for the Books

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Edited by Joseph Jensen, Thursday, 16 Oct 2014, 16:26



These are currently available as pre-orders. Not that the OU merchandise isn't spiffy. But Clear Soul are Clear Soul so you know, buy a hoodie. 'Cos then they can come to the UK. Then I can stop having these very difficult passive aggressive emotions towards the French. They are available on their website, which is probably Clear Soul Forces dot something, all one word, anyways,

My course materials turned up! Sort of. I had them sent to the place where I live, which is a small block of flats made out of shipping containers, somehow they got lost in the post. Probably because we had this thing put on the gate outside so only residents could get in, that they forgot to inform the postie of. So I got them resent. They have sent me print outs of the online materials. Which is fine and stuff. No excuse not to get on now though.

I am trying to think legal thoughts but see, there was this party, which I went to. It lasted a couple days. I drank as much as I have ever drunk. I then managed to get up the next day (BECAUSE I AM THOR!) and go to work to collect my wages and say Hi, then I got the bus to Sunny Tunny. That was two hours. Also surprisingly fine, though I was a little tired the other end. I then managed to get through the drive to Maidstone and dinner before eventually having to retire before the end of Captain America 2. My God. I learned some things about myself last night. I woke up today, no glasses, no contacts, used up my whole inhaler, a whole pack of ibuprofen and paracetamol and even my emergency snickers. So Mother had a panic attack about the asthma, deciding to drive me all the way home to make sure I got another inhaler. This is because nowadays you can't get emergency prescriptions or anything, records are also kept a lot less long. So when asking in the pharmacy (that I went to for like four years) if I could get an inhaler, I might as well have been asking if they sold diazapam by the hundred. I have to get my bizzle together for work today anyway. I don't feel, Asgardian, lets say.

So yeah I have got to get on with this degree. I have lots to get on with at the moment. I am contemplating getting myself one of those little chromebook laptop things. Though I don't know. Having avoided the hipster hand grenade that is iPads, do I want to risk it? I have an old piece of crap laptop that is so just much more retro. Blatantly going to end up hiking that around with me. Fucking news. Ebola, great, yes, its terrible. It was terrible when the first ten cases or whatever were uncovered. You totally under-informed everyone and now that it is as bad is it is, its better news so on it goes. New Scientist reckons if there are over ten thousand cases before the New Year there will be a million in the next year. Syria and the general Jihad is gathering pace. Excellent. Awesome. Report it more in the Western media, just to make sure they know, that yeah, terrorism is bad mmkay. That'll get 'em scared. Not riled up. Maybe more news reports on multi-cultural Britain and less on terrorism. Not that The Sun is responsible for using terrorism as a way to unite people and sell newspapers to the enraged hoard. They all do it in fairness. It's OK *hug* I love you interwebs. Whatever the fuck else. Apologies for the cussing. Rio Ferdinand is getting sued for Twitter Abuse. Which is abuse of twitter or abuse using twitter? I don't know. Or care. Some more terrible racism in football in Eastern Europe/Russia. Not that the racism is like, bad. Nope. They just need to keep it away from football. Ukraine much? The only sign we have of the seriousness of the engrained beliefs of certain groups is through football hooliganism, which we stop, but are then surprised when a 'revolution' like the one there occurs. Even then, its as peaceful as is humanly possible, until a major power gets involved and make it all military. So hey lets leave the EU and undo the Human Rights Act! Not that I don't get it. Having read more about some of the ways that rule about interpreting it differently for different countries given circumstance has been used, is scary. They just need to be more like America are with their foreign policy. If you deny people these rights, we will bomb and occupy you until you do. Then theres that whole independent military problem. Hired guns. War mongering. Ugh.

What have I been listening to lately, I hear you cry! You crying. Mostly. No, I jest, more metal since the Forum night. Raven Age are proper. Even recorded. My friend went to see Marmozets and put me on to them. They good. Listened to a l'il grime (gryme?) for the first time. I thought it was all broken glass sound effects and jump up. Apparently not. Some of the Barenboim sonatas. Listened to La Traviata because I girl I was into went to see it. Ironically it sort of ended up like the Opera did. Well we aren't together and I think we're both sad about that. So its sort of the same. She isn't dead though. Some sort of spacey drum and bass bits. Oh and the radio. Some. Little bits. There is a lot of shit on the radio. More Gay and Christian stations than I remember, less actual music.

Speaking of music - KLIKK THISS!


 (  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dcNrS5FMXc )

Not only is The Forum doing a weekly TV show. Where you can learn about local music. In general. From people in a place where there is one. Also my friend CJ is in this video. My older and less well known friend, acquiantance, Matt also presents the whole show. I nearly died when I first saw it. Anyway. Click the link, please even if you don't watch it, the hits all go towards helping this stuff happen more. Which I like. I will totally have a big party or something if whatever.

Not sure what else. The next blog post is going to be so freaking expie-alla-docius you might break out into tap and start singing in a cockney accent.

So thats nice.


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Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Joseph Jensen, Tuesday, 18 Feb 2014, 23:31

Open U related things first, TMA03 is in. I handed it in at about half past six on the Thursday. Where I was confident with the last one and disappointed I expect absolutely nothing of this one and any marks at all will be greatly appreciated. I am planning to start TMA04 this week and try to get somewhere near the (utterly ridiculous) 90-something that some people have got on the first two TMAs. I did enjoy rushing TMA03, it was almost exciting. Scratch that. It was totally enthralling.

What else is actually happening in my life? I am going to be in a video, I am in the video, the video is going to be played before a Brighton and Hove Albion game on the big screen at the stadium. It features our football group split into two teams playing against each other, one team has labels like 'depression' and 'OCD', they play badly in the first half and go two nil down. Then they rip off their labels during the half time team talk, Rocky style, then pull it back to a draw where after we all congratulate each other for being super awesome human beans. As I work at the stadium in the 1901 VIP lounge and was in goal for the unlabelled team, there is likely to be some stick coming my way at one of the games in March. Ha. I get to be on TV. Boo yah. 

I've put a story I wrote that is 40,000 odd words up on deviantart. It is the most horrendous and god awful piece of nonsense anyone has ever pretended to try and write. I myself can't get through the whole thing. I will have another go at it tonight, maybe, it is woeful. Seriously. I thought that putting it out there with my less woeful stuff would encourage me, remind me, of how not to write when put along side things I wrote that I do like. I am nearly 10,000 words into a new thing, which is fine and dandy but means I am going to end up a lot of words past the point I am aiming for. Maybe thats a good thing. I'm already sure it is less terrible than the thing I just put up.

My wrist is still knackered (AAARRGHHH!) after like three months nearly. Quite frustrating. I am still having to play in goal one handed. During January I managed to spend nearly all of my savings on getting drunk. Which was good. I had more than a few good nights out and I can remember all but one of them. Always a win. I've decided upon spending some time with my bank balance that is was in fact worth it, partially because I have acquired a shiny new summer job and partially because, well, what else do you do with savings?

Also, this record.

(Jazzual Suspects - The Beat )


I bought myself some tickets to see a band called Clear Soul Forces in Brighton, at Audio, which is going to be great. Also got myself a day ticket for the london comic-com, MCM expo goodness. Also a good 'un to look forward to. Thats about it I guess, I just realised I left the oven on and I have a chicked to cook. Oh and I got myself a steam account, clocked up nearly two full days playing Blood Bowl (if you know, thats awesome). Part, all of, the reason for my nearly late TMA.

Stay cool!


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