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I do so love the BBC, first they have Jackson on Radio 5 Live saying how he was turned down for compensation for damage to his hearing. Then they interview Simon Weston who says that he gets GBP10,000 per annum compensation for his injuries. Then they interview another person who served years ago and gets GBP30,000 a year in compensation because he suffered concussion. Now I'm sorry but there does some to be some sort of problem. For example, let us say that you suffer from PTSD after being involved in an accident.

In the meantime it would appear that former typists get hundreds of thousands of pounds for RSI. As for the women who got hundreds of thousands of pounds for getting pregnant, what has happened to them, are women in the army no longer falling pregnant, or suffering harassment.

 You claim on the insurance and they pay you. Over time the images start to disappear and you get on with life, you no longer suffer PTSD, so rather than lump sum payments should monthly payments be made, and that if your condition improves then those payments must be reduced. They must be under constant review.

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