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Amy Ka Ling Moore

Tutorial 1: Day School (notes from Peter Collis)

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Edited by Amy Ka Ling Moore, Monday, 5 Nov 2012, 22:28

Important notice: Forthcoming Day School.

On B716 “Management: perspectives and practice”, your individual learning and TGF discussions are supplemented by two Day Schools. Day Schools are not compulsory, but previous students have found them an invaluable part of the module. The Day School is designed to enable you to:

  • familiarise yourself with the module and its learning design
  • build your confidence as managers, ‘knowers’ and learners
  • get to know your tutor and one another better, to build group cohesion
  • develop your understanding of the forms of learning the OUBS MBA can deliver, and how module, programme design and resources support these
  • appreciate the value of group learning, and practise learning through dialogue
  • appreciate the possible diversity of thinking styles and perspectives in a group and develop your abilities to exploit this
  • start to challenge the evidence and assumptions in your own and others’ thinking
  • understand the importance of individual and collective reflection for professional learning and practise different ways of reflecting
  • understand the EBI process and its key elements and get you thinking about TMA 01.

Tutors will run their Day Schools face to face and you will have been informed at the start of the course of the dates and times of these. If for some reason (e.g. clashing engagements, personal reasons, work schedules, or travel difficulties) you cannot attend your tutor’s Day School, you can either:

-     ask to attend another tutor’s face to face Day School (you can find these by searching on Tutorial Finder, which you access via the “Tutorials” link under the heading “Tutorials” on your Student Home page)

-     or join an online equivalent (called a workshop, normally run by a tutor other than your own and with students drawn from several tutor groups and from all over the world).

B716 Students who want to register for the online workshop instead of their face-to-face day school should send an e-mail requesting a place to


The online workshop (alternative day school) will run for just over two weeks from Wednesday 14th to Friday 30th November 2012. During this time you will need to log on regularly and take part in some asynchronous working (in a forum similar to your TGF) and two synchronous sessions (using Elluminate, which uses real time meeting software with audio, text, application sharing, etc).

If you want a place on the online workshop you need to email

FBL-Masters-Workshops@open.ac.uk with the following information:

Subject Header “B716 12K online workshop 1” + YOUR NAME + OU Personal Identifier  + OU Computer User identifier (OUCU) by midday (GMT) Friday 9th November 2012. Please note that your OUCU is the code you use to sign in to StudentHome.

After this date it will not be possible for you to be linked to an online group for the workshop.

If you do choose an online workshop, it will be important for you to participate fully throughout the two weeks, otherwise fellow students in your allocated group may find their own learning is reduced.

If you have any queries about the workshop/Day School, either face to face or online, please do not hesitate to contact your B716 tutor. Otherwise, please do make sure that you meet the deadline above if you wish to attend online. And enjoy the workshop/Day School - however you decide to do it !

So, if you are intending to attend your own face to face school (and this is the default option, if you can) and have not already done so, it would help your own tutor if you let them know, so that catering can be properly planned.

If you are intending to do the online option, then you need to sign up to that by Friday.

The online version will run from 14 to 30 November, and assumes that you will spend about half an hour a day on most days during that period.  There will be Elluminate sessions on Friday 16th, Tuesday 20th, and Sunday 25th, all at 8 p.m.GMT.  A recording will be made available for those unable to join those sessions.  The remaining work will be done in a dedicated workshop forum.

Whichever version you choose, have fun

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