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Me and a badger.

A short break

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Edited by Roger Green, Friday, 5 June 2015, 09:17

Well, I sat the ED209 exam yesterday. I felt it went ok and I knew the materials quite well. I spent much more time preparing for this exam than I ever have in the past and I think it has paid off. I found my hand wasn't as achy by the end as it has been for previous exams and I think I managed to stay a bit calmer. Also as ED209 has a "seen question" (ie you know one of the questions in advance of the exam) then I really had the first hour planned out - I must have written that essay 10 times over the past few weeks! The results are out in mid July. Realistically I doubt I will have done well enough to get a distinction, but I'm fairly confident of a pass.

My next course is the final one on my route to a degree in psychology and will be DD307 - Social Psychology. I am still in with a slim chance of a first on my degree if I get a distinction in this final module, A pretty big "if"....

Last year I studied DD303 (Cognitive Psychology) throughout the summer. It was beautiful summer and all I saw of it was text books. So this year I have structured the courses so that I now have a break until September. The first break I have allowed myself so far. I am so looking forward to reading books (that aren't about psychology), hill-walking - and breathing!

Thanks to the people that posted on my previous blog entry. It is appreciated. I had always assumed my blog sat here largely untouched, and I write it as part diary and part cathartic exercise. It's good to know people stumble across it from time to time.

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Me and a badger.

DD303 Results

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Edited by Roger Green, Monday, 2 Feb 2015, 14:50

The results for DD303 were made available on Thursday 27th of November - that is just over a week early. I expected a pass grade 2 and predicted a mark of around 75% for the exam. I received a pass grade 2 and scored 72% (making 78% on the OES as a whole). Even though this is very close to my prediction I was still disappointed. I think I had told myself that was the grade I expected, while really I hoped for a distinction - which I missed by a good margin.

I felt myself pass through the 5 stages of the Kübler-Ross model quite clearly...

Denial - I can't believe it. I'll just check the web site one more time.

Anger - how dare they mark down my brilliant essays.

Bargaining - I should ask for a re-mark.

Depression - What's the point of continuing my studies?

Acceptance - While I'm not happy about it, the mark is an accurate and fair reflection of my ability in the exam and I need to put it behind me and learn from it.

I know my answers were too descriptive and not evaluative. I knew the material very well but pretty much just re-wrote the text book. I am disappointed but a pass grade 2 is not a bad result and it means I will have another chance at getting a first when I take DD307 in 2015 - my final module.

The result also means that the mark on my current module (ED209) is entirely irrelevant to my degree classification as long as I pass. Logically I should do less work on ED209 and start preparing for DD307. I'm not sure I really want to take that approach though.

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Me and a badger.


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Edited by Roger Green, Monday, 2 Feb 2015, 14:50

Well I am now under way with my new module; ED209 - Developmental Psychology. I have my first TMA back and was really pleased with my score so I feel like I'm up and running. I'm slightly ahead with the course reading and am finding the pace much easier than DD303. The results for DD303 should be back in about 2 weeks - that will dictate the score I need on the ED209 and DD307 (my final module) to get the classification I want overall on my degree. I started this in 2011 these final modules seemed such a long way away.

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Me and a badger.

Calming down

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Edited by Roger Green, Monday, 2 Feb 2015, 14:49

It is now the end of October and the trauma of DD303 seems like a distant memory. I am unsure how I did in the exam and am waiting nervously for the results. In the meantime I am making good progress with ED209 and am enjoying a less demanding module - so far at least. The first assignment is due in a few days and I think I have done a reasonable job of it.

I took the books with me to Glencoe on a family holiday in The Highlands. It was great to get a few days away from work and relax. The weather was beautiful and it felt good to be re-connecting with the outdoors after a summer spent studying. Was the week at Nottingham University real? It feels like a different life looking back now.

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Me and a badger.


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Edited by Roger Green, Monday, 2 Feb 2015, 14:47

I completed DD303 on Tuesday 7th October. The weeks leading up to the exam were exhausting and I think that is harder than I have ever worked in my life. I took a slight "gambler's" approach to it studying 3 subjects in detail, 3 as backups and 1 more as a fall back. I was fortunate in that the ones that I knew best came up. I made my usual mistake though of writing at the question rather than constructing a clear and coherent argument.

Anyway now that is behind me I can continue with my next module which is ED209. After this I only have DD307 left to complete my degree in psychology. The results for DD303 come out on 5th of December - hmmm.

So far my route to a psychology degree is as follows:

DD131 - Introducing the social sciences - part one
DSE141 - Discovering psychology
SK124 - Understanding the autism spectrum
DSE212 - Exploring psychology
SD226 - Biological psychology: exploring the brain
DZX222 - Exploring psychology on-line project
DD303 - Cognitive psychology
ED209 - Child Development (In progress)


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