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OER's help narrow the Digital Divide?

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Hi All,

just some thoughts:
Assignment 2c in week 11 is about OER's. The House states that OER's help narrow the digital divide. Before I post anything in the forum we had to research the net with resources to either back this up or not.
I'm torn at the moment. I do see the benfits of using OER's like MIT and OpenLearning but there are some certain conditions before one can use OER's: for example one has to has a internet connection, electricity is needed, skilled tutors. When we take a look at poor countries where having clean drinking water and having a proper meal everyday seems far more important than narrowing the digital divide.

Is the digital divide only in poor countries? In my opinion it's not. In developed countries there is a gap between technology users as well. Not everyone has, unfortunately, the same possibilities. I do see opportunities here for OER's. It can help people get back on track. I have found some interesting articles about the digital divide and the connection with distance learning fdor example:

I also found an interesting article about the digital divide in poorer countries:


Interesteing to read is the article about the development in China, which has experienced a rapid technological development.


So far my thoughts for now, it was in my head...back to work now!



Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Gareth Currie, Sunday, 3 May 2009, 22:22)
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