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Apparently Susan politicians like Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper seem to think we are well, to put not to fine a point on it, stupid. For example let me start with the simple premise that they are actually husband and wife. A very well off team at that. But that is to digress, a distraction.

No, the solution to all our problems would seem to be that the government is 'deft', in their new national Plan, which is fantastic, because when typing deft I nearly had a serious mistype and put down 'daft', because it is because there are some who want to plan 'stuff' that we are in the serious place we are now.

Interest rates must rise, taxes must rise, the underclass must be taken out of the tax system altogether, there must be serious reform of the tax credit system, consideration must be given to bringing back the poll tax, people must pass a test before they are allowed to vote, it is because the governments buy votes from the electorate that we are bankrupt.

We could never really afford, in money terms Iraq, and we seriously cannot afford Afghanistan, we cannot reinforce defeat. We are the problem and never the solution, and you never reinforce defeat. Well we have been defeated, why because we won't do what stuff which used to be acceptable to give us control. We are weak, financially, morally, intellectually, to the extent that we have lost all that we won in World War II, we have become nothing other than serfs and the world is getting its revenge for something which our ancestors did. We are paying the price for failure.

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