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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 1: What is e-learning?

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Without any prejudice, I want to try to describe what I understand e-learning to be.
In H800 we had to describe "learning". We came to the consensus that learning was mainly gaining knowledge in various ways. If I think about e-learning, the word "learning" is a key factor. The letter "e" stands for electronic. So e-learning should be described as gaining knowledge electronically. Learning through technology inside and outside a classroom. I could live with that description.

According to messages on the e-learning centre (www.e-learningcentre.co.uk) e-learning has evolved as well and one could speak nowadays of e-learning 2.0

It all sounds very interesting. Unit 1 is about to begin and maybe by the end of the course I'll want to change my description. It's pretty likely that I will.



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