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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 11: ECA + End of Course

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Monday, 25 Jan 2010, 09:21

This was again a challenging ECA. The essay part was interesting. It made me reflect upon our school system which I found quite interesting to investigate as well. I have used additional documents from the DCSF which had some interesting documents regarding the use of PDP analysis and ePortfolio systems in primary education. I compared these documents with the European curriculum and came to some conclusuions which I have written in my ECA. I hope it's worthwile smile

The reflection part was quite challenging as well. After using all these applications for my ePortfolio I ended up using a Word document in which I stored all the evidence and created an index file which linked everything together. Hope the file still works after zipping it and sending it through the ETMA system.

So this is it, the end of H808. I found it a very interesting course in which I learned much about what e-learning is. Unit 6 was for me a fantastic e-learning experience and I felt very lucky that everything in our group worked out. So thank you all for this course, Mr. Clarke for his guidance and my fellow students for all the wisdom. See you in another course maybe. I am heading off to H807!

Cheers everone, Eugene

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Thanks H800!

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Dear All,

Handed in my ECA and H800 is over after 8 months of fantastic learning experiences and learning journeys. I wish everyone the best of luck and maybe we'll see each other somewhere in another course. Thanks Alex for your support, much appreciated!

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: Group B

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Dear Fellow H808 Group B students. I am giving my full attention to my ECA at the moment. Will read the promised papers as soon as ECA is finished. Sorry for the delay! Thanks for setting up wiki page Thomas! Sorry sad(
Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Alan Clarke, Monday, 28 Sept 2009, 00:43)
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

ECA Update

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Part A + B roughly finished as is part C. Part D is on the agenda now. Reading Engeström and Säljö & Wenger. Tough papers! Will be happy when ECA is finished and give full attention to H808.
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.


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This weekend is going to be a busy OU weekend. I'm rounding off part A of my ECA which has its focus on videosharing and folksonomy. I have mapped my learning activity for part C and have detailed ideas how to set it up..leaves me with the writing of it sad

Part B and D are scheduled for next week. Meanwhile I have to find another 15-20 hours this week for H808 Unit 2....collaborative activity and reading quite a few papers. Well, at least it gets me straight into the course!


Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Alan Clarke, Sunday, 20 Sept 2009, 18:27)
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Learning Design revision: ECA

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Busy with revision of Learning Activity in Part C. Will send progress report soon Alex. It is on its way!


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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

ECA update

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I have revised part C...will send it to tutor. Now back to reading the formal papers outside H800...and that's a lot!!
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.


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Oh dear..., I'm considering changing my learning activity for my ECA. I designed an activity for primary school children but want to change that into a smart board training for teachers and others with video sharing as a part of the course. I'll try to set up this activity and send it to Mr. Bell. See what he thinks..
Very pleased with TMA04 result. This was a very difficult one, a real brain teaser.
Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Alex Bell, Thursday, 3 Sept 2009, 11:06)
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

H808 course content

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Still working on the ECA Introduction and in the mean time I''m getting myself updated for my next course...H808. It looks like an interesting course with already active forum traffic. Better keep myself up to date.



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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

ECA Draft

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I'm working on my ECA which is quite exciting and difficult at the same time. Anyway.... I think I am going to stick with my original plan with a couple of adjustments (comments made by tutor).

The two technologies I am investigating at the moment are video sharing and all its related (technical) issues in the classroom and outside the classroom. How can it contribute to individual and collaborative learning. The other technology will be folksonomy. Again how can this be used as a useful tool in the class, which (technical) issues can we expect. Is tagging a new skill, do we need to prepare learners or teachers for the proper use of folksonomy....

I'm glad we can use 2008 papers..so I'm off searching the internet for background info and research articles. If anyone has a tip...please feel free to drop me a message. Much appreciated.

Cheers, Eugene

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