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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.3 Papers chosen

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Papers chosen for unit 2.3:

Reese, M. and Levy, R. (2009) ‘Assessing the future: e-portfolio trends, uses, and options in higher education’ (online), Educause, no. 4. Available from: http://portfolio.project.mnscu.edu/vertical/Sites/%7B0D936A3C-B3B2-48B8-838C-F5A3B3E0AF6C%7D/uploads/%7B2231316D-EFA9-4A6D-B382-734A350E4510%7D.pdf (accessed October 4 2009).

Becta (2007) ‘Impact of e-portfolios on learning’, Becta, 5 June. Available from: http://emergingtechnologies.becta.org.uk/index.php?section=etr&catcode=ETRE_0001&rid=14125 (accessed October 5 2009)

Beetham, H. (2003) ‘E-portfolios in post-16 learning in the UK: developments, issues and opportunities’ (online), JISC. Available from: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/uploaded_documents/e-portfolio_ped.doc (accessed October 5 2009).

Aalderinck, W. and Veugelers, M. (2005) ‘E-portfolio’s in The Netherlands: stimulus for educational change and life long learning’ (online), paper presented at the EDEN 2005 conference in Helsinki, Finland, Portfolio Themasite. Available from: http://www.icto.ic.uva.nl/surf/nl_portfolio/Publicaties/Downloads/aalderink_veugelers_2005.pdf (accessed October 5 2009).

500 word summary of the issues raised by this case will follow!

Cheers Eugene

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