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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 19: Elluminate session

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A summary of our Elluminate session. Mainly from room 2 where I was allocated. If someone has something to add, please do:

Feedback: Also thinking  about the H800 theme of individual and collaborative learning. 

Room 1 (Brian, Ravi, Rose)

Difficult to find informal use In formal - transferring information to learners Spanish example - mobile learners took ownership by changing the nature of the task.  But this isn't easy to see at the moment. New technologies are developing fast - but is the learning or teaching developing as fast 

Room 2 (Allessandro, Corina, Eugene)

Opportunities in developing countries as mobile access is better than Internet? BBC example: hospitals sending out text messages to local doctors who can’t attend to an in service-training.

Ways of integrating mobile in formal learning is difficult. We felt that it was easier to use mobile learning in informal learning. It has greater opportunities to access information in addition or as a compliment of formal activities and resources.  In terms of process - mobile does provide greater control in the hands of the learner.  But formal learning is still in the hands of the institution.

Content consumption and content creation - learning starts with the expertise of tutors .  Why do learners need to create content ? Is it because of assignments made by expert practitioners. 

Ownership of learning: it is a process. Is what we need to learn in the hands of learners. We believe not.

Companies have big influence on the mobile market and therefore on education. Companies develop new technologies. This development is fast. Companies have influence on this process. It makes mobile devices so much easier to use in where the shift of ownership of learning might go faster than we think.



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