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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.2 Reflection

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Write a short personal reflection commenting on your experience of the task
The activity is in my opinion quite useful. Now I have a quick overview of the drivers from the different papers and I can use this as a reference if I want to know more about the specific papers/drivers. I haven’t participated in the discussion on the forum (I’m a bit behind), but have read some messages posted by fellow h808 students.
I’m not sure whether discussing the relevance of the drivers and agreeing which should be in the table is a useful task. In my opinion this takes too much time and in the end we might end up with nothing. I’d rather just fill in the table and see what others have to say. I can always read the paper myself if something strikes me as odd, relevant or interesting. If someone else doesn’t agree with me then a discussion about these drivers might occur.

Could this completed template be considered as evidence of your department in the technology competency area (because it is about e-portfolios)?
Yes I believe so. Using a collaborative tool, like a wiki, is in my opinion a technological competence. However, just because the subject of this activity is e-portfolios it does not mean it is necessarily a technological competence. The activity could also have been about our favourite pets or our favourite calendar girls. The point I’m trying to make is that adding content in a table through a wiki is a (useful) technological competence because we use this tool to achieve a specific learning outcome (adding drivers in a table). In my opinion the content is not relevant. Using the tool is.

Could it also be evidence of your pro-activity (because you have created it collaboratively)?
According to the H808 course guide pro active means: “leading, informing, or otherwise motivating your fellow learners in collaborative work”.
In this activity, Thomas was clearly pro active because he split the task into bits and gave each of us in group a task. I wouldn’t consider myself as particularly pro-active in this activity. I contributed to the task and fulfilled the role I was given, but due to time constraints I wasn’t as pro-active as I hope to be in the future!

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