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Math Symbols To Copy N Paste

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Edited by Billy Fagan, Sunday, 25 Oct 2009, 17:00

Folowing on from my last post I thought it might be a good idea to put down a few symbols that might help make some of these key combinations easier to find or indeed just make the symbols available to be copied and pasted.

I'll skip ones that can be found on any keyboard such as + - % £ etc.

Key sequences below are for Ubuntu linux using OOo with Times New Roman font and a UK keyboard layout. These may not result in the same character on other OSes or programs. Please note that some keys(such as "<") require the use of the shift key.

·  --  Middle Dot - useful in calculator sequences etc, the key sequence is AltGr and . (full stop)

× -- Multiply - AltGr and <

÷ -- Divide - AltGr and >

¹ or ² or ³ -- useful for citations but also square/cubed etc. - AltGr and 1 2 or 3 respectively.

½ ¾ -- AltGr and 5 or 6 respectively.

° -- degrees - AltGr )

€ ¥ ¢ -- AltGr and 4 Y or c respectively.

You can also insert things like π(that's meant to be pi, looks much better in OOo) by going to insert/special character or if in the formula editor you can type %pi to display the pi symbol

Some things I have no idea how to get the keyboard combos, if any exist. such as square root signs etc.

(PS for Windows machines I have a list of ascii codes here that might or might not be of any use, use the keypad on the right for these...)


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OOo and Maths TMAs

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Edited by Billy Fagan, Sunday, 25 Oct 2009, 16:59

So you already know I use Linux at home. As anyone who uses Linux knows you often need to find alternative software for certain tasks, in this case I'm talking about MS Word.

I use Open Office Word Processor, a fully functioning and free(as in beer) piece of kit that in my opinion kicks the ascii of MS Word. In fact I use the entire OOo Office kit.

Now, in MU120 there is a bit where you need to write down calculator key sequences, for example...

example calculator sequence

*This is not a TMA answer, just an example sequence!

The format is important, non-numerical key presses should be enclosed in those squares, but using the draw functions in OOWP sucks for getting them to line up.

So this is what I do, and I am aware there are other ways to achieve this but this works for me.

Taking the sequence above as our example I first type in the number 1. So far so good right?

Then it's our first "ENTER" button. To do this I go to "Insert" menu, followed by "Object" and I select "Formula".

A new frame opens up at the bottom of the document. In there I type "ENTER" and then click back on the main page. The button will have appeared but the border you can see is only a guide, it won't print. To add the border, while the green dots are still around the button, you either  click on the border icon (here high-lit in yellow) followed by the last selection (shown selected) for all borders

Location of Borders IN OOWP

- or -

click on the "Format" menu and select "Frame" then choose the Borders tab and select a border from within that.

Next up is the × in a border. This is executed in exactly the same way as the ENTER.

Select Insert/Object/Formula, in the box type "×" (To get × sign on a Linux box I use "Alt Gr" + "Shift" + "<" (or copy it from here and paste it in!)

Select it's border and we're onto 3 ENTER ENTER ENTER . . .

The 3 we just type as normal, the ENTERs, individually as above then three space separated full stops to indicate it's a continuing pattern.



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Silly Mistakes

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Edited by Billy Fagan, Sunday, 25 Oct 2009, 17:00

So the first CMA was marked for MU120. I didn't get 100%

CMA41 - 91%

Two wrong answers!

Looking over the answers I got wrong I see one was very clearly an error in my reading what number was next to what letter as the answer I worked out was correct but the answer I submitted was not! The other one was such a stupid mistake I am going to insist my girlfriend administers corporal punishment tonight. Of course you divide, not multiply, eediot!



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Maths, that's counting n stuff right?

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Edited by Billy Fagan, Sunday, 25 Oct 2009, 17:02

It seems like not that long ago I was blowing off studying for my standard grades. I got a lucky year and passed everything with no revision at all. Of course I'm not that boy any more. I've been out of studying for almost half my life and it seems that maths is not what it once was!

I caught a 2 for my standard grade maths iirc, that's a credit level pass. So I think, ah, MU120 - Open Mathematics, easy.

That was until I worked through the preparatory texts. OMFG!!! The OU has definitely introduced my head to the baseball bat of maths. How could I have forgotten so much in so few years??? (OK perhaps I'm over-playing how young I am a touch, but I still feel like I'm 19 and you're as young as you feel right?)

So I can pretty much handle the arithmetic, to a point. Today I stumbled across ratios, my arch nemesis. You know the things... If it takes 4 men 9 hours to dig a hole 4 metres deep how many cricket balls can 1 cyclist hit into an open phone box in 3 working weeks? ...that kinda thing.

I can see me skewing my study timetable slightly in favour of the maths course I think! I used to be a credit level mathematician y'know....


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