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Granite - Mullach Dubh

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I was going through some work this morning and came across this poem I had written a while ago but never finished or posted it. So, I give it the once over and here it is. Mullach Dubh is an area near Bunbeg in Co Donegal, it has a beautiful beach, as have many places in Donegal, and there are huge blocks of granite on one side which were, at one time, part of the cliffs.

Granite - Mullach Dubh

Are these the fleshy forms of ancestral giants

petrified in time and set against the relentless flow.

Did they walk and tell tall tales

of ancient loves and battles,

fought and won,

or lost in the mythic mists of distant memory?

Were they once wizards who flew

with dragons that breathed fire.

Are you the voices that call to me

from twilight shores,

on long summer evenings?

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