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John Baglow

Decisions, decisions!

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We have been asked to mull over possible topics for our conference project on the OU H818 course working towards the MA in Open and Distance Education. There is quite a lot of overlap between the 3 themes but I have tried to come up with some possibilities for each. No prizes for noticing that I am interested in practice to do with interaction in the learning process, and looking at ways of making the feedback process more effective.


  • case study on how non-academic students on my teacher-training courses can be supported 
  • production of a potted guide to accessibility for inclusion in my teacher-training courses
  • ......


  • using reflective journal posts to improve tutor-student and student-student dialogue
  • what are the principles of running effective online tutorials?
  • how can collaborative student work be facilitated using digital technology?


  • using video casts for giving students feedback
  • developing the use of discussion forums to maximise student interaction
  • using a studio approach to improve the learning process

Have you any experience of any of these? Any ideas, suggestions or criticisms gratefully received.

Permalink 5 comments (latest comment by Ruth Jenner, Sunday, 18 Oct 2015, 18:39)
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